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  1. bsktmom

    fish dying

    Your salinity needs to be around 35. If I were you I wouldn't add anything else until you find out what is killing your fish.
  2. bsktmom

    Bangaii Cardinal Not Eating

    Thanks everyone for your answers. Yes, I have been soaking the food in garlic. I don't know if our LFS has live brine but I will check that out.:)
  3. bsktmom

    Bangaii Cardinal Not Eating

    I just got a Bangaii Cardinal on Tuesday. He is in quarantine right not with another fish. The Bangaii isn't eating though. I'm not sure what to do. The other fish is eating fine. I am feeding them frozen Mysis Shrimp soaked in garlic and selcon. I have also tried Krill. Does anyone have...
  4. bsktmom

    fish are dying

    Ich doesn't affect corals, only fish. What is your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and salinity?
  5. bsktmom


    Originally posted by madysmom lr is mostly figi and florida and there is a small amount of base rock in there but not much. madysmom - do you like your Florida Liverock? I bought the 45-50 lbs of Figi from this site and was pleased with it but I was wanting to add some more liverock and I...
  6. bsktmom

    Serpent Star ?

    Can I have 2 serpent stars in a 55 gallon. Thanks...
  7. bsktmom

    "Best" Starfish?

    I have an Orange Sea Star. He has a classic starfish shape. Very pretty and he is out all the time. Either on the glass, rocks, sand. They eat algae. I also have a serpent star that is really cool. I wasn't sure I was going to like him but I do. He does hide alot though except when he...
  8. bsktmom

    Additions to Crew?

    I would get a Fighting Conch because the Queen Conchs get way too big. The Nassarius Snails are good too because they spend a lot of time in your substrate.
  9. bsktmom

    Feast your eyes on these sexy.....

    Originally posted by madysmom yes bskt please post. also do yours come out and "wander" or do they pretty much stay hid?? just wondering if after they are in there a bit if they will not be as shy as what they seem to be now. :yes: Yes, mine are out all the time. Sometimes they will get on...
  10. bsktmom

    Feast your eyes on these sexy.....

    Originally posted by madysmom bskt are yours very much bigger than mine?? post a pic if you can so i can see. Mine look to be about the size of yours. The biggest one might be an inch long now. One of them was so small, I almost couldn't see it in the bag when it came in. I'll see if I can...
  11. bsktmom

    Feast your eyes on these sexy.....

    They are cute. I have 2 in my tank and I really like them. Nothing in my tank has bothered them and they are small also. Good Luck with them.:joy:
  12. bsktmom

    Mandarin - Green or Psychedelic

    He's a pretty fish. Thanks for the pic. He's a Green Mandarin isn't he?
  13. bsktmom

    Help My Starfish

    I think what you have is called a Red Sea Star. They (like all starfish) are very intolerant of changes in water chemistry. They are algae eaters. I don't think there is anything you can do once they start falling apart.
  14. bsktmom

    Are nitrates killing my inverts?

    How did you acclimate the shrimp and the snails?
  15. bsktmom

    Mandarin - Green or Psychedelic

    Which one is prettier and more colorful - Green or Psychedelic Mandarin? Show me some pictures if you have them.
  16. bsktmom

    Mandarin - Green or Psychedelic?

    Which one is more colorful? Show me some pictures if you have them. Thanks...
  17. bsktmom

    Hey Moms!

    I have 3 teenage boys ages 19, 16 & 13.
  18. bsktmom

    Hang-On Refugiums

    I have a black background on the back of my tank. I don't think it would get any light. Are they necessary for pod growth?
  19. bsktmom

    Hang-On Refugiums

    I was wanting a Mandarin also. Hopefully I will be able to fit one of these on the back of my tank. A light doesn't come with the one I was looking at and I'm not sure if I need one just for pods.
  20. bsktmom

    Hang-On Refugiums

    DrkDweller - You have been so helpful. I have one more question (I think). The small CPR Refugium is 13 1/4". How much room would I need on the inside of my tank. I have that much room on the back of my tank but on the inside of my tank I only have approximately 12 1/4" because of my center...