Search results

  1. bsktmom

    Clown turning brown?

  2. bsktmom

    Clown turning brown?

    I am interested in the answer also. I bought 2 ocellaris clowns the same size in February. One of my clowns is starting to get a little bigger than the other one and also darker (more of a brownish on top). I was wondering if this one has changed into a female. The other one is still a...
  3. bsktmom

    Do Clowns Treat A Toadstool Like An Anemone?

    My clowns like to hang out in my Colt Coral. :happy:
  4. bsktmom

    teddy bear crab

    Look under inverts on the left and it will tell you all about them. SWF says they are peaceful, reef safe and they are a scavenger.
  5. bsktmom

    Mystery Wrasse Close up Pics

    That is a cool looking fish. Did you buy it at your LFS or online?
  6. bsktmom

    Tank cleaning?

    You really don't want to do that with a saltwater tank. There are good things that live in your sand such as pods. Get some scarlet legged hermit crabs, various snails and a couple of fighting conchs and they should keep your sand bed clean.:yes:
  7. bsktmom

    protein skimmer? which one do i need

    If you want a hang on I would go with the Aqua C Remora.:yes:
  8. bsktmom

    What's this?

    If you have live rock they probably came in on that. They can also come in on corals. Do a search on flatworms at the top. Look at the one by SaltyJ and it shows a picture of one.
  9. bsktmom

    What's this?

    It kind of looks like flat worms to me but I'm not an expert.
  10. bsktmom

    Blue or green

    I have 2 Blue-Green Chromis. Depending on where they are in the tank and which way they're swimming sometimes they look light blue and sometimes they look light green.
  11. bsktmom

    What kind of Skimmer??

    :yes: An Aqua C Remora.
  12. bsktmom

    Coral ?

    When I replace them which brain would be the best under that light?
  13. bsktmom

    Coral ?

    I have a 48" 4x65W Coralife LUNAR Aqualight Deluxe Series 2x Actinic and 2x 10,000K, 3x 3/4W Blue LEDs -Straight Pin. No they are not actinic 03's. No I didn't have a specific brain in mind. I was wanting something to add a little color though. Which type of brains would work under this light?
  14. bsktmom

    Good Coral Book

    What is a good book on Corals? The one I have right now is "Corals, A Quick Reference Guide", by Julian Sprung. Thanks for the info.
  15. bsktmom

    Coral ?

    Will a brain do o.k. under 260 watts of pc light in a 55 gallon? What is a good book on Corals? The only one I have right now is "Corals, A Quick Reference Guide", by Julian Sprung. Thanks for the info.
  16. bsktmom

    Which to Buy - Queen Conch or Fighting Conch?

    I would get the aquacultured fighting conchs because the queen conchs get really big.:yes:
  17. bsktmom

    Shoom mucus??

    Mine are looking better now. At first when I looked at them it looked like their insides were exposed (not sure if that makes sense) and I thought my peppermint shrimp had been munching on them. They may have just been expelling waste. I'm not sure what that looks like. I have heard about...
  18. bsktmom

    Shoom mucus??

    I don't know. Do you have anything in your tank that would be picking at yours? I just got these Flourescent Hairy Mushrooms on Friday. I have regular mushrooms that have never done this before. I don't know if my peppermint shrimp did something to them and then they released this stuff or...
  19. bsktmom

    Shoom mucus??

    This is really wierd because this just happened to mine. My peppermint shrimp looks like he had just been on my new flourescent hairy mushrooms. I don't know if he was picking at them or what but a stringy spider web looking stuff was coming from them. I would be interested in knowing about...
  20. bsktmom

    Orange Linkia or Red Serpent Star?

    Thanks for everyone's answers. I am thinking about getting an Orange Sea Star not a linkia now (I did say linkia in the poll because SWF had them on sale). Can I keep an Orange Sea Star and a Serpent star in the same tank. They eat different things so they wouldn't be competing for food...