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  1. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff You are now required to buy insurance and there is nothing to keep them from increasing the rates as much as they want. I honestly don't know what to think on this but it could be a back fire of historic preportions if the rate increases are announced before...
  2. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW How many years ago was that and what was the tax write off limit then? See this has chnged quite a bit over the years. It used to be a set dollar amount...then went to a percentage. That percentage has fluctuated over the years. So just because you didn't...
  3. uneverno

    Annual Dementia Test

    And the Berlin Wall fell in November of 1989, so 20 years ago today, Germany was 5 months reunited.
  4. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Violating contracts isn't so easy when competitors are lurking, ready to steal your customers. Up until that point, I mostly agree w/ your plan. Herein lies a large part of the trouble. There are businesses which also seek and have received protection from the...
  5. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff "“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide...
  6. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I love how based off of political views, someone is telling me what is and is not "christian." Not based on scripture. I find it ironic, because it seems to me, that government is trying to tell me what my interpretation of scripture is. Which is precidcely what...
  7. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff I think that may keep him awake nights, worrying about you being mad at him lol
  8. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Depends, are you going to make a good point or not? If you're simply gonna regurgitate the vomit that Obama says. Then I might get mad at you... Nah, I made my points on the topic at hand, including predicting that what we'd end up with would be a political...
  9. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff So you are a middle of the road hethen (yeah I remember you are of a different faith, Hethen just sounds good) lol, I like it.
  10. uneverno

    Cottage Cheese and Buttermilk

    My pet name for cottage cheese is baby puke. Buttermilk, OTOH, I like.
  11. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 How dare you as a democrat lecture me on christianity. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Christian. May I lecture you?
  12. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff I like the idea of making everyone pay for their health insurance. ... I think it is purposely design to make things worse so they can push through a major socialized plan in a few years. Ah, gotcha. (Sorry, wasn't editing your post for content, just for space...)...
  13. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff You have the government fining or taxing you for not doing something they don't have constitutional authority to require. I can see a case for considering a hospital a component of the public good. But telling someone they have to buy health insurance is not a...
  14. uneverno

    Does democracy work when you're in the minority?

    Except that we don't live in a Democracy, we live in a Representative Republic. The difference is both subtle and monumental.
  15. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff Do you even know how an HMO works? The doc have to join the network to even participate. Ummm, SERIOUSLY???? We've discussed this before. Yes, having had cancer, I'm well acquainted with what works and what doesn't under the formerly existing system. If you...
  16. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Ok I don't think that statement is particularly aplicable. (nor accurate) Calling troops rapists, and murders and openly calling for our defeat, needs to be called what it is... Fair enough. That wasn't clear to me from your original statement. The line in the...
  17. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff You already have docs who wont take medicare and medicaid patients. There are also docs who won't accept various existing private insurance plans (largely HMO's) for much the same reason. Not sure I understand your point?
  18. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by reefraff Who do you think W was speaking to when he saud that? It wasn't the people of the United States. Are you sure?
  19. uneverno

    House passed the Health Bill

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 The other point I"ve seen made that I really don't understand is the correlation between strong patriotism and big government... There is no connection. Well, perhaps you could check out the "If you're not for us, you're against us" sentiment, which equivocation...
  20. uneverno

    Will dropping the price of Music CD's save them?

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper well when you download their music off the internet for free you are stealing. What do you want them to do? How about I come to your job take your work turn it in as my own and you dont get paid. You wouldnt like that crap now would you? Please don't make...