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  1. ryancw01

    Best way to approach this?

    I would stay away from the mud. It is expensive and when you have to change it out it is very messy. I used miracle mud for a while and it worked fine, but was so expensive I switched permanentely to fine sand and that seems to work fine also. If you want to do this a little on the cheap, a...
  2. ryancw01

    Fish needing certain size tanks? My story...

    The bottom line is that certain fish do have certain size requirements to live out their adult life. 65 gallon and 70 gallon tanks at least are big enough to raise these fish while they are younger and if you are willing to trade them in then fine. What bothers me is when people put a tang in...
  3. ryancw01

    Yellow Tang feeding

    +1. Yellow tangs love Emerald Entree. They do need to graze though and you should give him pieces of the seaweed on a clip at least every other day for a while.
  4. ryancw01

    Flower pot coral question

    Mine does that too once and a while. They are very finicky about the water. I do have a clown hosting mine and he is pretty hard on the thing, but I have owned mine for about 2 years now and it seems to be growing and doing fine. Mine does have days where it does not come out as much though...
  5. ryancw01

    Coco worm question

    My lights are not on yet so the pick is not very good, but as you can see here my green star has completely engulfed the tube but the worm is fine now. I really don't like that green star because it is spreading everywhere. I do not like the green algae either. That is a whole different battle...
  6. ryancw01

    Coco worm question

    I have owned mine for almost a year now and I am not sure how long my LFS had it beforehand. Recently it was dormant for about 2 weeks and I thought it was dead. I thought my green star polyps killed it because it is growing all over the tube now, but then a little worm appeared for about a...
  7. ryancw01

    90 Gallon Reef/Fish Build Diary

    Looks good. I like the amount of rock you have in there right now. You don't need a ton of rock if you have a powerful skimmer. What kind of skimmer do you have or are you getting one?
  8. ryancw01

    maroon clownfish

    I have owned my maroon now for about 5 years. I bought 2 at the same time, but she ended up rejecting the male after getting them in the tank. Make sure they keep them in the same bag whant you get them from the fish store. If they get separated there is a chance of loosing the pair status...
  9. ryancw01

    Cyano in sump only?

    I leave my refugium lights on 24/7 and only got cyano when the refugium light went out and I couldnt get it replaced for a few days. What kind of lighting do you have in ther fuge?
  10. ryancw01

    Tested My RO/DI Unit and WOW

    You should only have to change the filters once a year or so under normal conditions unless you are pushing major water through it so it sounds like something might be wrong with the membrane or something. I would take everything apart and put it back together.
  11. ryancw01

    turning base rock white

    You can boil the heck out of it. Probably for about a half an hour. It will turn white again and if you ever return to the hobby you will be ready to go with the rock.
  12. ryancw01

    Well here we go Dennis 's 75 gallon saltwater reef tank journal

    Ever thought of doing more of a coral rock island structure with the rock instead of the stonehenge look? I think what you have looks pretty cool, but it is stressful to look at. Looks unstable.
  13. ryancw01

    Jelly Fish Tank

    I feel like this is for people that have a lot of money, but know nothing about saltwater aquariums. It is a 40 gallon tank with a canister filter and a hydor inline heater. For that kind of money you could get a lot more product. Don't jellyfish need colder temperatures? Do they just make...
  14. ryancw01

    Lighting for a Ricordea

    Perfect. That means that you have 4 watts per gallon. 48total watts / 12gallons = 4 watts per gallon. You are good.
  15. ryancw01

    Lighting for a Ricordea

    How many watts are the lights and what is the size of your aquarium? You will need 3-5 watts per gallon for ricordeas. They have moderate lighting needs. Good choice. They are really cool. I don't have any of those yet, but have been looking for sure...
  16. ryancw01

    What do I do with this rock/coral??

    Well, they shouldnt have taken live rock but it is already here so I would boil it for at least 10 minutes to get all the crud out of it. When I went to Aruba, I took a small dead dry rock from where they destruct the reefs to put in new hotels. They have huge piles of them everywhere. I...
  17. ryancw01

    AK's 240gal build thread....

    Wow...coming along very nicely...Can't wait to see all the rock in there...
  18. ryancw01

    I just switched salts for my reef...

    Well, my calcium is over 400 with the Kent Marine so that is good, but my dKH is still low at 6.5dKH. I am using an Elos test and an API test and getting the same results. Does anyone else have this problem with their RO/DI water? I have been using RO/DI for a while, but it seems like my dKH...
  19. ryancw01

    I saved the armadillo..but got in trouble..

    I think you did the right thing Speg...I don't much see the point in killin something just because it is diggin in your yard. That used to be his yard before they put a house there. If he was going to eat it I would be fine with it though. I have eatin armadillo before and I think it is...
  20. ryancw01

    I just switched salts for my reef...

    Well, that chart indicates that I made the right choice as far as the calcium. I am going to test the calcium and dKH tonight so I will post my results. I did a 50% water change this time so it might take a few water changes before it makes a complete difference.