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  1. ryancw01

    I just switched salts for my reef...

    Originally Posted by Denniscoy420 I have been using reef salt for about 3 years and I was thinking of changing also but I went out and got a 4 stage RO unit and IT seems to be helping my corals but also us PH buffer and coral elements and stress coat in the water mix if I was u I would go...
  2. ryancw01

    New start

    Have you fed the anemone yet? Usually they calm down once they eat because it is a little less stressful being in a new tank when you are full I guess.
  3. ryancw01

    I just switched salts for my reef...

    So I decided to try something new from the Reef Crystals I have been using for about 2 years now. I am trying the Kent Marine salt. I feel like with the Reef Crystals my dKH is always hovering around 6-7 and my calcium comes out to about 360 and am trying to find a salt where I do not have to...
  4. ryancw01

    Is this normal

    Time to get gloves. They are most likely just going to bite you from now on, especially if you did take your hand out after the bite. Now they know that if they bite, your hand will leave. Get the big purple and orange ones. My huge emerald crab can't even hurt my fingers when I wear mine.
  5. ryancw01


    I grew up in Austin Texas and I remember always having roaches in our house growing up. My parents would buy those fogger things and they would kill a lot of them, but they would always come back. They finally broke down and hired an exterminator and the roaches never came back after that. A...
  6. ryancw01

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Wow. Wow. Wow. Absolutely amazing tank. I feel like I could just look at pictures of it all day. I apologize if you already talked about this in this thread, but how did you get the rocks in the middle to stand up like that. Are they tied together or drilled or something? They look awesome!
  7. ryancw01

    Anyone out here feed earth worms?

    There are earthworms that live by saltwater that do end up being consumed by saltwater fish in nature. Typically close to mangroves. Now our classic american bait store earthworms are not the same, but I would have to imagine there is nothing dangerous about this as long as the earthworms are...
  8. ryancw01

    Wet Dry noise

    Originally Posted by pepito113 I have a marineland 4500. 1175 gph. I thought that was good for a 15-20 turn around Is that to much? A there is a few feet of lift so it drops the gph. Your total system (all pumps) should turn the tank over 15-20 times per hour for a reef. You can be higher if...
  9. ryancw01

    Wet Dry noise

    What size return pump are you using from the sump back to the tank? Smaller pump = less noise. Most of your circulation should be inside the tank so you don't need an overly powerful pump in the sump. I have the same tank and had to downgrade my Rio for that reason.
  10. ryancw01

    Another Hair algea Problem

    Originally Posted by mfoley I am sorry but I cannot agree with that at all. I've encountered far too many people who have done 50% water changes and lost tons of stuff as a result... Such a drastic change is quite a shock. I could only reccomend a change of more than 30% in the most major of...
  11. ryancw01

    My 120 cashed.... also known as the day from hell.

    That is crazy. Did you have a really deep sandbed? The only thing I can think of is that the maroons released toxins from really deep in the sandbed. My Maroon does that too and it makes me crazy, but I do not keep more than about an inch of substrate.
  12. ryancw01

    Yerboy's rimless SPS build

    Wow...really good looking tank so far. You might already know this, but you might want to put several coats of Kilz on the ******** of the stand. This will waterproof it so if you have any kind of accident with your sump the saltwater will not get into the wood. When I built my stand, I put...
  13. ryancw01

    What causes tanks to leak?

    Seems like many of the leaking problems that I have seen on here were from the 46 gallon bowfront. I had one that leaked also. I just think that smaller tanks and older used tanks were not constructed for saltwater therefore the salt and critters in the sand eventually break the glue down...
  14. ryancw01

    Too Many Starfish

    I had the same problem about 2 years ago and you control the population of those starfish with nutrients. The more nutrients, the more they will reproduce. Nonetheless, I did get a harlequin shrimp and ended up having him for about a year before I took him back to the LFS. He was eating them...
  15. ryancw01

    New 75 Gallon Setup FOWLR! Woot Woot!

    I like the way the rocks look too. That will look really good with a black or blue background.
  16. ryancw01

    36 Bow Build

    Looks very good so far.
  17. ryancw01

    Sick Damsels

    I don't think they are ever going to 'thrive' in a 10G after growing up in a 225G. I would assume it is very stressful being in that little tank now. I thought you were taking them back to the fish store or something? Trying to keep them in that little tank is going to be more trouble than it...
  18. ryancw01

    so close!!! please help. my sump still doesnt work

    What size is your tank and how many gph is the return pump?
  19. ryancw01

    Blue sponge

    I had one and could not keep it alive. It seemed to do good for a while but slowly withered away. It had a lot of flow and I was trying to feed it as much as I could without messing up my water quality, but no dice for me. It was like $40 too which sucked.
  20. ryancw01

    Diamond Goby Gone?

    Well, still no sign of him. I have been using a mirror to look down the overflow section and still don't see him. Used the mirror to look in the back of the tank too behind the sump and he is not there either. Someone asked if the rocks have shifted at all and there is no sign of that. I put...