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  1. ryancw01

    tang very skinny

    Seaweed clip w/seaweed ASAP. Do you have one? You have to get that thing eating quickly.
  2. ryancw01

    Saltwater vs Freshwater

    Because your user name is Oceankid?
  3. ryancw01

    My 135 gallon Update

    I like that tank a lot. I always think it might be better to have a fish only next time to cut down on all the work and you can have more aggressive fish. What vitamins are you using?
  4. ryancw01

    Diamond Goby Gone?

    Well, I cannot find my Diamond Goby anywhere. I have a canopy on the tank so there is no way he could have jumped out. I don't see him in the overflow. This sucks. I have had him now for about 8 months and I have not seen him for 2 days. He has been digging a lot lately. Think he could...
  5. ryancw01

    weight loss journal

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO every diet is destined to fail. Just the idea of dieting , lol. now changing your life style and who you are is where it really is at. and that takes time and dedication. Everybody is on a diet and that is from the first sip of mothers milk/ formula- till that...
  6. ryancw01

    Cheato ball decreasing

    I would toss that one and get a new ball. Cheato can go through light shock also when you get a new refugium light or when you have your light shut off for a while and then turn it back on. If it was just sitting there in the dark for 3 weeks then I do not think it would be worth keeping.
  7. ryancw01

    Refugium contents and lighting

    Yes...just put them in a bag and throw them away.
  8. ryancw01

    Alkalinity Issue

    I would shell a little dough for the Elos one or the Salifert. Your dKH should be between 7-11 which would dictate your alkalinity. The Elos test kit for dKH is about $25, but you do get an expiration date with it so that you know how long it is good for. It is very accurate also.
  9. ryancw01

    Advice about Red Slime Algae

    I used it a long time ago and it worked really well. Your skimmer goes kind of crazy for a few weeks, but as long as you follow the directions it seems to work good.
  10. ryancw01

    Trouble Keeping Coral

    dKH of 11 is fine. Should be between 8-11. I would work on getting nitrates down a bit and just give it a little more time. Try doing 20% water changes bi-weekly for a while.
  11. ryancw01

    Taking fish/corals from ocean

    That is a tough question to ask on a saltwater fish forum because most of the fish in our tanks come directly from the ocean. Unfortunetely, most types of fish do not breed in captivity yet so we do get our fish from the ocean. I love my fish, but I just hope that the fish traders are not over...
  12. ryancw01

    Waste Water

    Originally Posted by bigal0221 Yeah, I have been pouring mine down the toilet, approx. 20 galloms per week for the past year but I am not sure if I am doing damage because I have a septic tank. I put a pump in my tank with hose attatched and just pump it right into my sink.
  13. ryancw01

    When it rains, it pours....

    I am glad to see so many people on here buy American. There is no need to send our money to Japan and Germany when we have a great product right here made by Americans. People just don't think about that anymore. We were just at war with Japan and Germany a little over 60 years ago and now we...
  14. ryancw01

    Mixed Reviews on Asterina Stars.

    Just like any hitchiker, their population will dramatically die off if you reduce your nutrient levels. I used to have a ton of them all over the glass and they never ate any of my coral. I did get a harlequin shrimp though to eat them all. He blazed through them in about 2 weeks and then I...
  15. ryancw01

    Funny Pic

    Folks should have bought American.
  16. ryancw01

    Replacing all sand...

    I replace them every 7-8 months. Though it is coming up on the 7 month mark so that might have a little to do with it. The 5 turbos that I bought seem to be getting through a little bit of it so far. Now that I think about it, I guess I really have not had a clean up crew for a while now so...
  17. ryancw01

    Replacing all sand...

    That is what I thought, but he was so adament about changing out the sand I wasnt sure if that was the right thing to do. If I did do it though, I would start my water change off with the pump how I normally do and then take the hose off the pump and siphon out the sand directly into buckets...
  18. ryancw01

    Replacing all sand...

    So I finally have my tank exactly how I want it and things are going pretty well except I cannot seem to get rid of little patches of green hair algae. I have a phos reactor, use RO/DI since I started 5 years ago, have a refugium so I do not understand where it is coming from. I only have 2...
  19. ryancw01

    Tank Stocking Question

    What kind of damsels do you have in there? If they are yellowtail, they should be fine with those fish except maybe the sixline. They are one of the least aggressive of the damsels. All they do is a little tail rubbing everytime a fish is added.
  20. ryancw01

    Miracle mud?

    I used to use it, but I do not believe the benefits equal the price tag. If it was cheaper I might use it again.