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  1. ryancw01

    Flame Angel reef safe?

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef This question is asked at least once a week. I own one, doesn't touch my corals. It does eat feather dusters. I have a coco worm in my reef and my flame doesnt touch it. It is busy all day chasing pods and it is fat as hell. Doesnt nip at anything. Generally...
  2. ryancw01

    Earthworm for your fish

    I would think no. Probably fine, but food is cheap so I don't think it is worth the risk of introducing a food that is unnatural to them.
  3. ryancw01

    Finally Done Restore

    That looks awesome! I like that big open look with the two separate islands. How big is that tank?
  4. ryancw01

    Well, that's one way of making a point...

    That is awesome!!! I am in the [hr] business and I hear these stories every day of people losing their homes. If they would simply work with these people and lower their rates temporarily much of this could be avoided. These banks got bailed out by the government and are now just making...
  5. ryancw01

    Worlds nicest anemone!

    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains Well, I would say it is total bull, however, since Rod says it's possible, I give it a little more credibility, but still would like to see a video on this, as I find it very hard to believe those Cardinals aren't being munched!! There is a video of it on...
  6. ryancw01

    Worlds nicest anemone!

    In the wild, Cardinals will live in the anemones until clownfish come and bully them out. The clownfish always win. Cardinals are very adaptive. This is why there are so many different types and colors of cardinals in the wild. Their are cardinals made for the reef, mangrove forest, etc...
  7. ryancw01

    Blue Hippo Tang acting weird I think. Is this normal?

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish no thats not normal. it will die in about one month between three months unless u cure it of its parasites. ur tang has ick the most annoying of all things to cure. Wow. Agressive response. Anyway, it could be ick. You will need to really step up feeding...
  8. ryancw01

    new potential job

    It is so funny how interviewers do that. They always say things like "when you start here" or "when you go to training." Seems crazy that they can make up their mind so quick about someone. It does make the rest of the interview less stressful though. Congrats! You will get used to the...
  9. ryancw01

    Q T set up

    Might want to put a large PVC piece in there for another hiding spot. Will reduce stress levels and help to fight any disease off.
  10. ryancw01

    Tank built in outside wall

    Looks like a good project to watch. The only issue that I can see right now is the possibility of critters finding their way into your sump such as spiders or snakes. I don't think either one would be good for the display if one of those died in there.
  11. ryancw01

    Water Change Help! :)

    Yeah...the guys that moved my tank and take care of the ones at work do the same thing. They have really heavy duty mixing pumps though with handles on them. I just let mine sit overnight. I can be patient.
  12. ryancw01

    Hydor Theo

    I tried to buy one, but the guy at the LFS talked me out of it because they had so many come back. They didnt want to carry them anymore, so I ended up with one of those heavy duty titanium ones that comes in a gun case. Works like a champ.
  13. ryancw01

    Water Circulation Pumps

    +1. Saltwater tanks need to have enough gph to turn them over at least 10-15 times per hour. So 75 x 15 = 1125gph. And most of this should be from powerheads in the tank. I use Koralia's for example, but everyone has thier favorites.
  14. ryancw01

    refugium advise

    Ok...and what is the gph of your return pump at your correct height of the return line? I have an all-in-one also and had to just get a smaller pump. Really cut down on the overflow noise also.
  15. ryancw01

    Any of you have a purple lobster?

    I got one as a hitchiker before and it sucked. I just hated having to feed meat chunks and increasing waste for something that never came out. I lucked out and could stick the prong in one spot and it could come grab it, but I only ever got to see it's claw grab the food. They need to eat...
  16. ryancw01

    refugium advise

    You will need a smaller return pump. Do you have sump and refugium or an all-in-one?
  17. ryancw01

    Why do my fish keep dying?!

    I would work on adding some more base rock (so you don't have to wait for it to cycle seperately) and add some sort of solid blue or black background. These will both help reduce stress levels in the tank. You could have a disease like ich or something in the tank, but the fish in there are...
  18. ryancw01

    Flame Angel

    I have had my flame now for about 4 years and he has never nipped at anything except the rock. Very cool fish. Definetely my most active fish. Always swimming in and out of the rock. They are expensive though so make sure everything is perfect in your tank before adding one.
  19. ryancw01

    Fast growing green algae?

    I think no one is leaving comments because you are not really asking anything. Unless you are just asking if it is algae, then the answer is yes.
  20. ryancw01

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    That is a big puffer. I would start working on a bigger refugium and go the do-it-yourself route. You can buy a long tank that would fit underneath your stand and glue and cut your own baffles (dividers). I would really look at your skimmer production too. Make sure the pump is working...