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  1. ryancw01

    Purple Lobster

    Yeah, I think those purple reef lobsters are just better off being left in the ocean. I bought live rock one time and there was a purple lobster in one of the holes that refused to come out. The guy at the LFS tried everything and eventually he just convinced me to buy the lobster and the rock...
  2. ryancw01

    how do fish....

    Originally Posted by Beth I disagree that is is hard for healthy fish to get ich in the home aquarium. Its not hard at all. Fish do not fight off parasites just as dogs and cats don't. In a enclosed environment, they can not escape the parasite and will succumb. One small problem, such as a...
  3. ryancw01

    My Snowflake Eel turned white???!!

    Could have been from rubbing all over the floor before you found her there. You might not have notices because you were just trying to get her back int he tank. If she was squirming around on carpet then the fiberglass is not good for their skin obviously. That is awesome that you were able to...
  4. ryancw01

    Just ended

    If you are always 'giving' without wanting anything in return then people are going to take advantage of you. For your next relationship, set boundaries and make sure you are looking out for #1. That is you! Find a girl that you know is not just going to be looking for the next best thing out...
  5. ryancw01

    Live Rock Question

    Boil that rock!!! Boiling is so much easier and you get all the gunk out of all the tight little places. Just get a huge soup pan and boil the rock for about 30 minutes. Nothing in there is alive anymore so it is just going to be an ammonia fiasco. The rock looks pretty bad, so you might...
  6. ryancw01

    cheato help

    Flood lights definetely work for a refugium. What are the Kelvins of the bulb? It should say something like 2300K, 5300K, 6500K. The higher the K, then the better the bulb for growing. I use 6500K flood lights that are 75W, but I know other people have success with 5300K or even lower.
  7. ryancw01

    RO Filter

    There might be some confusion here on what the unit is for. You don't add salt to it. It filters your tap water into being safe water for saltwater fish. They are really easy to install under your sink if you have just simple plumbing skills and simple tools. You can get the supplies at the...
  8. ryancw01

    Number of Fish?

    Well, you are probably going to catch some heat on here with 2 tangs in a 65, but I will answer your question. You could maybe get a diamond goby to help with the sandbed or maybe 1 or 2 small anthias. The reason I suggest anthias is because they kind of just hang out close to the top of the...
  9. ryancw01

    Need Help changing Wet/Dry to Refugium

    Yeah...just let it settle. You want to be able to at least see through to the other side before you fire it up.
  10. ryancw01

    how do fish....

    To answer your question THEY EAT and are healthy. It is very hard for a healthy fish to get ick even in a home aquarium unless you really screw up and let crazy temperature swings happen. Tangs get stressed out very easily and are more prone to ick for that reason. They are plucked from the...
  11. ryancw01

    How much house can I afford?

    Yeah...I tell people all the time to try to find the smallest house in the nicest neighborhood you can afford. That is where you find value, because as long as their is a decend yard you can always expand later.
  12. ryancw01

    How much house can I afford?

    This is actually what I do for a living so I just ran your numbers through a quick spreadsheet to figure your debt ratio. If you bought a home at 200K with FHA financing and put down the standard 3.5% down, your final debt ratio would be 39.2%. Because you have no other debt, this would be...
  13. ryancw01

    Need Help changing Wet/Dry to Refugium

    Yeah, you will definetely want to build up that wall before the return and the blue sponge. You can just glue plexi to the wall that is already there. Once you build up that wall, you can ditch that blue sponge. Those are nitrate factories also. I like using rock rubble in those kinds of...
  14. ryancw01

    55 leaking.

    Mine is All-Glass 65 with built in overflow. I had to upgrade in the same fashion...because of a leak. Before the upgrade I had a 46 gallon bowfront. The difference is night and day. The glass is much thicker on the 65 so it is almost impossible to scratch whereas my 46 had scratches all...
  15. ryancw01

    DIY metal halide build

    Wow...that final product looks really good. I do feel like Bud Light should send you some money though for advertising fees.
  16. ryancw01

    Emerald Crab has Copepods all over him...

    My tank is only 65 gallons. I am pretty sure he has been taking steroids. He can bench about 95 pounds right now, but we are only having him max out once a week until training season comes back around! Then I am entering him into the National Strong Crab Competition.
  17. ryancw01

    Emerald Crab has Copepods all over him...

    So I tried to take a few pics today of the crab and you can only see the copepods in the first picture on the top of his right claw. The others didnt come out that well and then he got pissed at the camera and pieced out. There are still a ton of them though just cruising all over him.
  18. ryancw01

    Oh God help me! I just killed my whole tank!!

    Sorry for your loss there...that really does suck. You probably want to just go back in time right now and use the other bucket, but just keep in mind that we all do stupid stuff sometimes. I remember disconnecting my chiller line and watching about a gallon of saltwater start pumping out all...
  19. ryancw01

    Emerald Crab has Copepods all over him...

    Let me start out by saying that my Emerald Crab is pretty big and gangster. His claws are about an inch long now. So I was messing around with my sump last night changing around some things and I my Emerald Crab was right up front so I started looking at him up close. He had Copepods...
  20. ryancw01

    Diy top off system

    Originally Posted by Gill again68 I am not sure why I am going through so much trouble but I put a cage around my float switches now. Built from egg crate and I have "sized" the snails that wil be in the sump to make sure they cant get through. I think I must BEAT THE SNAILS! That is...