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  1. tjnitro

    coral dip question - Need help!

    I have recently received a few pieces of new coral from a WYSIWYG site. I have them in quarantine right now. I have heard about a process of fresh water dip to help with any hitchhikers that may have came. Does anyone know how to do it and what the pros and cons are of doing it. Any...
  2. tjnitro

    Ich?? Need help! PLEASE

    No actually the spare tank is only a 10 Gallon tank. The blue tang is a very small tang it is less than an inch and a half long. I also have 3 fire fish and two blue green chromises. The Blue tang was my new purchase I had it in a quarantine tank for four weeks after I got it. Everything was...
  3. tjnitro

    Ich?? Need help! PLEASE

    i have a young Blue hippo Tang and it has been developing white spots. They have been getting worse and worse. I do have two cleaning shrimp and i have seen it go to them to get cleaned. Today the spots seem to be getting a little better. The first time I saw the spots was almost two weeks...
  4. tjnitro

    Tang Questions

    Thanks for the advice. I planned on having options. I will be keeping my 75 gallon reef too so that will be one option. I also already knew that each fish can be different but I as just looking for the general rule. You guys helped me out. If anyone wants to still add more advice feel free.
  5. tjnitro

    Tang Questions

    I know that one size does not fit all. but answer the questions as a general rule of thumb. I have a Blue hippo tang now. My plan is to upgrade to a 200 gallon reef in the spring. After i get that all setup and the Blue hippo tang moved to the new tank would i be able to put in a powder blue...
  6. tjnitro

    Question about the different types of hermit crabs

    I have tried to get different types of hermit crabs for my CUC but I was wondering what is the difference between them. There are blue legged, red legged and Scarlett ones that i got. somebody said that they each have something they are good at. Does anyone know the differences? I like to...
  7. tjnitro

    Question about Fire Goby -need help

    The picked on each other when they were in the bag. they are not the purple ones just the regular red ones. We had a long trip back from the pet store. Now that they are in my 75 gallon reef tank they are not even bothering each other. I was just wondering what to do for the one that got...
  8. tjnitro

    Question about Fire Goby -need help

    I purchased 3 new fire gobies. The two smaller ones picked on the larger on while they were in the bag. I watched it happen at the end. They tore up the tail fin on the largest one. My question is there anything that i should do for it. also will the fin fix itself? it is missing a little...
  9. tjnitro

    Marine Compatability Chart

    being that came from a competitor's site i am guessing it will not become sticky.
  10. tjnitro

    Condensation on top of Tank

    I am sorry i took it wrong. I will try to find some of those pages. It was not just one page that had all of the findings. I will try to find the written sources. I will also ask my LFS to see if they wrote down their findings. It was kind of interesting. I have one tank with no jumping...
  11. tjnitro

    Condensation on top of Tank

    Two of my sources are two of my local fish stores. one specializes in reef tanks. They said that they mesh can cast small shadows and they both said that they have tested light readings (with one of those little devices) and clean glass did not reduce light any more than a mesh top. i also...
  12. tjnitro

    Condensation on top of Tank

    In my opinion i have done a little research and have found that putting netting or egg crate over the tank block just as much light as what is lost going threw glass. On the other hand the netting does not have the condensation problem. Glass seems to be OK but you have to clean it regularly...
  13. tjnitro

    Fish neglect

    I feed one or two times a day. I have never fed more than twice a day and usually I only feed once a day. My fish are very healthy. I feed frozen food but once in a while when i am in a rush i will throw in some flakes to get them by until i have time to prepare the frozen foods. I like to...
  14. tjnitro

    I can’t seem to get rid of cyan bacteria ahhhahahahahhhh

    Thanks for the advice. i have a new tank that i am cycling and had a problem with it. i was going to buy that stuff but now i will hold off. if the live rock did not have a couple of pices of coral on it (came with the rock) i would not turn on my light at all. I will add one more power head...
  15. tjnitro

    I can’t seem to get rid of cyan bacteria ahhhahahahahhhh

    has anyone heard of chemiclean? my lfs has told me they have had good luck with it. one thing is though figuring out what your actual number of gallons being you have to take off for live rock and sand but add for filtration. anyone have any advice on this?
  16. tjnitro

    75 gallon reef tank stock question

    i thought about a dwarf angel but i have been told that they can be coral bitters. I thought with the blue hippo tang that by the time it out grows my tank i may be ready to upgrade my tank. If not i am sure i will not have a problem finding someone to take it. As long as i get my red...
  17. tjnitro

    75 gallon reef tank stock question

    I have my 75 gallon tank almost done with the cycle. I have 80 pounds live sand and 80 pounds live rock. was able to bring the rock home in pails and i only live 8 blocks from LFS. when it is done i am going to move the fish i have in my other tank to it. Here is what i have that i will move...
  18. tjnitro

    wondering if it will be a good move to make...

    Well i will tell you from the time i was a little kid i have had freshwater fish. I was given a 10 gallon saltwater tank with a couple of fish and all the equipment a while back. We had that for a while and decided we would like to have a piece of coral and more fish. The wife and i decided...
  19. tjnitro

    Too many worms

    What is the best way to remove them. I have seen the traps but should you use them or just pull them out? They can sting you if you use your bare hands right?
  20. tjnitro

    Need help picking out a HOB protine skimmer

    Can any suggest a make and model of HOB protine skimmer for my 75 gallon reef with my limited budget in mind. I thought this is what this post was about but seems others are using it for alternate topics.