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  1. fenrir

    Wife and I put our deposit down on our first Puppy!

    I am quite ready for the snorting. However the breed doesn't seem to so=nort as bad as Pugs. I will be sure to post some pictures as soon as we get her home!
  2. fenrir

    Wife and I put our deposit down on our first Puppy!

    All of them have very different markings than eachother. Also they each have different colored collars.
  3. fenrir

    Wife and I put our deposit down on our first Puppy!

    There were six puppies 2 males and four females. Twenty people were coming up this weekend to come look at them so my wife and I drove an hour and half north to get one first before someone else got up there.
  4. fenrir

    Wife and I put our deposit down on our first Puppy!

    Just got back from the breeder about an hour and half ago. She is only 5 weeks old so we won't be able to bring her home until the second week of June. If you can't tell she is the one circled in the picture and she is a Boston Terrier. And no that is not my child in the picture that is the...
  5. fenrir

    I wanna go back to IE7

    You can go back to IE7 but I would not recomend it. There are allot of browser specific attacks against IE. If you did want to switch back just download IE7 from Microsoft and install it. If you don't like IE8 I recomend Firefox or Chrome as an alternate browser. P.s My degree is in Sytems...
  6. fenrir

    Any IT People out there?

    I will be graduating in September with a BA in Systems Secuirty and I am currently about a month a way from taking my CCNA exam. I've only been workin in IT for 2 1/2 years but I have been a computer geek for years. Anybody have any good dumb user stories? My favorite is that I once had a user...
  7. fenrir

    Any IT People out there?

    So I recently took a job as the lone IT guy for my local court. I am feeling kind of lonely because I can't talk geek at work much unless I am telling my boss about the new server and computers we are about to purchase. So I was wondering if anybody out there is in IT and what you do? I am a...
  8. fenrir

    Problems driving.

    It drives me nuts I can see perfectly fine durring the day and night it's only when it rains at night that I can't see. I wonder if there is some kind of night sunglasses maybe? I don;t know, thanks though!
  9. fenrir

    Problems driving.

    Hey I was just wondering if anybody has the same issue I have driving sometimes. I have 20/19 vision and I can see great durring the day and night and I do not use glasses or contacts. However when it rains at night when I am driving I might as well be blind! The reflections from lights and...
  10. fenrir

    sexy shrimp and fish compatability

    What kind of Blenny is it? I have a Bicolor and a clown in a 14g and they have never bothered my pistols or my fire shrimp. I would think if that they would be ok.
  11. fenrir

    Help me decide on my next dog purchase (breed list)

    I love Shetland Sheep Dogs! They may be small but they are full of heart and smarts! Also if you like Akitas I have been trying to get my wife to let me have a Shiba Inu which is the smallest breed related to the Akita.
  12. fenrir

    Lost Blenny

    You probably wont see your blenny the fist couple of days. Mine came out the third day and is happy to swim about my tank. They just take a little tie to get used to there surroundings.
  13. fenrir

    New Fish?

    I know that feeling and I didn't mean to give a doom and gloom feeling. However I have seen allot of people have luck with these fish as well. SO maybe I was just unlucky?
  14. fenrir

    Pico Tank with Clam

    Your Welcome
  15. fenrir

    Pico Tank with Clam

    If its in a three gallon I wouldn't have anything else but inverts. I have a pair of pistol shrimp in my 3 gallon. But if you wanted a clam I wouldn't recomend a fish in the tank. Just to small to have those extra nutrients in there.
  16. fenrir

    New Fish?

    Good luck with these guys, but I never had any luck with them. Every time I tried one of these guys they would starve. Did you see them eat at the fish store?
  17. fenrir

    Pico Tank with Clam

    I had a Deresa in my 3gallon pico for months and it grew double its size. Unfortuantly it died durring my move to my new place. It was my fault however since I replaced a gallon of the water with fresh. However I did a gallon water change every monday and the Tom pico tank I have has an 18 watt...
  18. fenrir

    I hate pistol shrimp.

    Using traps will not work on those guys. I ended up cathing my clown multiple times before giving up. I litteraly had to take out all of my rocks and put them into buckets to flush the pair out. When I got to the rock they were in I removed them from the water and took a plastic tube and blew...
  19. fenrir


    You are not alone it drives me absolutly nuts when I hear that word. Luckily my wife understnad my little quirks and doesn't us it agianst me!
  20. fenrir

    Sorry Another Question! This one is better.

    You don't really need one for such a small tank and I ran my 14 for a year without one without any trouble. However it can't hurt to run one in your tank, it can only help!