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  1. fenrir


    I also have a mated pair of tiger pistol shrimp that were in my 3 gallon pico. After my pair of caribean pistols killed my Bicolor Blenny it was the last straw. I switched the pairs and now have my tigers in my main tank and my caribs are by them selves in my 3 gallon. If they are tiger pistols...
  2. fenrir


    I learned the hard way that caribean pistol shrimps will kill your 3 year old skunk cleaner shrimp...
  3. fenrir

    Viper Metal Halide

    I am thinking about upgrading the lighting on my 14G Biocube to the Viper clip on metal halide. I am debating on either the 70W or 150W. I have never worked with this much light before, does anyone have any suggestions? I am worried that the 150W may be too strong.
  4. fenrir

    What fish go together? Have I been mislead?

    That grouper will eventually grow large enough to eat your clown and damsel. What size tank do you have?
  5. fenrir

    What type of Computer do you have? pc/mac

    I build all my computers my self for alot cheaper than you could buy at a chain. Besides it's always fun overclocking a machine you built your self to be stupid fast. My Programing teacher from College made the best statement about Macs. "They are status symbols and are for people who have...
  6. fenrir

    Coolest fish out there for a nano

    I personally love the Bicolor Blenny. Alot of personality in a small fish, and they eat alot of algea!
  7. fenrir

    Carribean Pistol Shrimp!

    I have a mated pair of Pistols in my 3 gallon. I go through alot of Hermits and snails in that tank...
  8. fenrir

    thinking about starting saltwater

    That would be fine to use it as a FW, just make sure you don't treat the tank with any kind of medicine. eg. Copper If you do the chemicals will stay in the glass and inhibit you from keeping any invertibrates.
  9. fenrir

    thinking about starting saltwater

    Yeah that would work great for a sump! The more water volume you have the better, especialy for someone who is new to SW. Post some pics of your tank as soon as you can.
  10. fenrir

    Any tips on moving a tank

    Originally Posted by Bdhb12 With say a 29g biocube would it be possible to just leave sand and rock in the tank w/ a little water for an in/town move and all the critters in bags? This summer we will be moving to a duplex or nicer apartment (ground floor hopefully) and was wondering what I can...
  11. fenrir

    thinking about starting saltwater

    Any large grocery chain will have RO water for cheap. I would highly recomend not to use tap water for anything in our tanks. I started with tap when I started and it took me months to get rid of all of the extra phosphates out of my tank...
  12. fenrir

    thinking about starting saltwater

    1. The 29g is great! I have the 14g version and I have no issues with the brand. 2. If you use Live Sand and aquire the right Clean up crew you shouldn't have to do any kind of debris pick up. It will aslo help putting an extra powerhead in the tank to keep in debris in the water column. 3. You...
  13. fenrir

    Long thin white worm with legs

    It's just a bristle worm, they are beneficial and will eat up the nasty stuff in your tank. I would only remove it if you don't like it in your tank.
  14. fenrir

    I moved my tank

    Just to give you a heads up because I did that last summer with my 14gallon. The top rim of your tank where the glass and plastic meet became unglued and 3 weeks later started leaking all over my floor. I would inspect the sealant and make sure none of it tared durring the move!
  15. fenrir

    Picotope? ( please reply fast have to get off!)

    And yes you can add the frags and some of the sand from your 29, just let it run in there for awhile before adding the coral.
  16. fenrir

    Picotope? ( please reply fast have to get off!)

    I have the 3g Tom tank and I love it. Replace the HOB it comes with and replace it with an Aquaclear 10. You have to cut the lid a little bit to fit, but you will be glad you did. I also have a mini heater in the tank.
  17. fenrir

    Psycho Pistol Shrimp?

    I have a mated par of tigers in my 3 gallon. They are pretty peacful unless my hermits or emerald goes near one of there holes. Then it's like firecrackers going off in my living room.
  18. fenrir

    Psycho Pistol Shrimp?

    What type of Pistol Shrimp is it? I know some can be agressive, but I think it is a coincidence that your pistol just happened to be in the same tank.
  19. fenrir

    Got some questions

    Welcome to the boards! From your avatar it would be safe to say your from Central Ohio? If so great, there are alot of good fish/coral stores here. I am from Delaware Ohio so it's nice to see some more local people. I have the 14gallon version of the biocube and I love it. There are upgrades for...
  20. fenrir

    Aggressive clown! Add another fish?

    You could always get a meaner fish! I had the same problem with my false perc killing other fish until I bought my Bicolor blenny. First day he went to bite the blenny and the blenny bit back. They have coexisted peacfuly for months now with no more fighting. =)