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  1. madman33

    Post your invert pictures here.

    Kinda Grainy but o well
  2. madman33

    Mushrooms and toadstool dying??

    yeah they can sting...a frogspawn frag feel on my and was stinging it and it wouldnt come out...
  3. madman33

    were they really that hard to find in Va? cause here they are everywhere...
  4. madman33

    my tank...

    wow awesome tank. What size? Love the Naso
  5. madman33

    eel People / BLIZZ75 a.s.a.p

    lol ok gotcha
  6. madman33

    gph for a 150

    reef fowlr or fo?
  7. madman33

    Clam question

    no offense but you should really research these kinds of things b4 u buy...As for the question no they just sit in the spot that you put them.
  8. madman33

    Absolutely free movies

    lol orginal song: Holy calamity scream insanity New version: Holy spamity scream its spamity lol idk
  9. madman33

    First Pics..Be nice..

    at night when they are sleeping...nice tank man btw i suck at hiding my powerheads so i gave up trying and just let coarline cover therm lol.
  10. madman33

    My Elusive Indigo

    lol sounds like some of my fish....once they see the red focusing light they are no weres to be seen lol sweet fish...what kind is it exactly?
  11. madman33

    100 gallon FO tank needs help!

    hmmmmm i dont think ive ever heard of anyone raising the trates that freaking high to kill off algea...actually i dont think ive heard of anyone doing that at all. You really should get something better than a hydrometer though...mine was brand new and .011 off lmao.
  12. madman33

    My 6 line wrasse has a horn growing....

    Pics? post in disease thread....
  13. madman33

    Post pics of flame angel or coral beauty

    ive only had 1 prolem with a tang and ich(u didnt ask me but i thought i would reply anyways lol) and its was a kole the rest have done great staying ich free
  14. madman33

    eel People / BLIZZ75 a.s.a.p

    why not put all the work into the 200 instead of the 90? lol u know u would like it more lol
  15. madman33

    eel People / BLIZZ75 a.s.a.p

    sweet show us some pics when you get him!!!
  16. madman33

    100 gallon FO tank needs help!

    but if he ends up getting rid of the triggerfish...
  17. madman33

    Lunar wrasse clean up crew help

    alittle ot but dude 3 tangs(usually for 3 people are going to say u need 150+ gallon tank) and a lunare wrasse in a 72??? What else do you have in there?
  18. madman33

    fish listed on

    lol thanx
  19. madman33

    100 gallon FO tank needs help!

    also agree with the egg crate but make sure you can find some(its impossible to find where i live) before you throw away the other top. If you cant replace the cc then maybe take some out so its not so deep and get some things to stir it up.
  20. madman33

    fish listed on

    when shipped