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  1. fishstick4sale

    Candy Cane Feeding?

    20 heads i cant, i needa use a turkey baster or something. also my acan is like reaching out is that normal always stretching up, is he short of light?? he gets huge
  2. fishstick4sale

    is this ok?

    yea painting the sides will decrease the algae issue dont do that! it will ruin the tank u want a full view of all your stuff not just a front view.temp swings will happen... i just wouldnt keep it by 2 windows im sure alot of people will agree.. you dont have no other spots??
  3. fishstick4sale

    ORA Borealis Acro

  4. fishstick4sale

    What are the appropriate PH levels for corals?

    i stuck a tiny pump in my tank with a tiny stone in the rear chamber to create bubbles...after my room got hot and humid but the tank wasnt getting any oxygen almost lost everything one summer night, room was hot an sticky but tank was cool around 81 but the water wasnt being oxygented woke up...
  5. fishstick4sale

    Candy Cane Feeding?

    when u guys say u guys feed your coral mysis, do u put your mysis in a blender or something an chop it up then just drop it in your tank ?? an it spreads all over i have a cane with about 20 heads im curious to feed him at night his tenticles r wild
  6. fishstick4sale


  7. fishstick4sale

    Candy Cane Feeding?

    snow marine in my 29gallon 1 capfull every other day for all my coral
  8. fishstick4sale

    Finally Got Some Courage...

    lookin real sweet i have a biocube also but i added 2 more lamps :). man i want a 6line i like them alot, my hairy mushroom is spliting in a year it split from 1 into 3. hope urs splits looks reall sweet
  9. fishstick4sale

    What was the longest you've gone without doing a water change?

    i went from every week water changes to 2 week now, tank is a lil older now. but longest would b 2 months in a 29gallon bio
  10. fishstick4sale

    super glue frags

    pull the ric out put super glue GEL on the bottom of the piece and stick it where u want it. u dont have to pull out no LR just put glue on the lil frag an stick it anywhere in the tank
  11. fishstick4sale

    Farts makin ammonia spikes?

    i bet that profile pick evanjah has "post #10" is his baby picture when he was 2.
  12. fishstick4sale

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    use liverock rubble, i took my bioballs out. i have chemipure sitting ontop of the rubble. yeap get atleast 30 pounds of liverock and your set i have 4o pounds in mine. including the rubble
  13. fishstick4sale!

    when u say nitrate was very high, how much is high
  14. fishstick4sale

    leather & hairymushroom...

  15. fishstick4sale


    i agree. *waiting*
  16. fishstick4sale


    salt lol.. i change 5 gallons every week more than 10%.. 3gallons is 10% i stay faithfull my coral thrive i think because of my water changes hey fellas i just popd in a leather and its close to my hairy mushroom.. my hairymushroom is touching alot of coral now and nothing is stinging anything...
  17. fishstick4sale


    so now everyone is a comedian with the coffee thing sheesh what have i started. lol
  18. fishstick4sale


    what should i do now ??
  19. fishstick4sale


  20. fishstick4sale


    i solved the problem it stop spreading and i use r/o only now and i been using purigen but i still have the same patches i just need them removed my algae stopped spreading an growing just those lil patches that were there from the beginning