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  1. fishstick4sale


    booooooooooooooooooo thought my coral was LOL
  2. fishstick4sale


    lawnmower blenny are they good for hair algae?
  3. fishstick4sale


    whats an awesome pic?
  4. fishstick4sale


    i think im just going to buy a seahare
  5. fishstick4sale

    Starting My 24g Nano Cube

    +1 nissan
  6. fishstick4sale

    leather & hairymushroom...

    i just got a leather and i realized im almost fully stocked but its close to my hairy mushroom, i notice my hairy mushroom is touching alot of coral and none r being stung or no fighting i guess amongst the coral, will the leather be any different if they touch
  7. fishstick4sale

    Depressed damsel?

    o i doubt hes depressed just worried i would guess
  8. fishstick4sale

    Farts makin ammonia spikes?

    i think thats vampofvegas in that suit. getting top-off water for his tank with his 2liter brita water filter.
  9. fishstick4sale


    i tried but the hairs r too short, and i cant pull out rocks
  10. fishstick4sale

    Before and After FTS comparisons!

    feb 2008 feb 2009
  11. fishstick4sale


    had for a few months its not advancing since i stopped using house water and been using r/o but i still have patches that r short an thick
  12. fishstick4sale

    microbubbles from skimmer

    i have a biocube and the powerhead in the 3rd chamber sits in the water and it had a tube thats about 10 inches thats travels up that blows the water into the tank itself. but the tubing and the power stay underwater 24/7
  13. fishstick4sale

    just added some sand...

    thats one thread we were helping with.
  14. fishstick4sale

    Farts makin ammonia spikes?

    LOL yea
  15. fishstick4sale


    still tryna remove that algae too :(
  16. fishstick4sale

    microbubbles from skimmer

    does that orange sponge on the right filter out more? my tank blows out bubbles but i dont understand it all none of my tubing is sticking out n the air everything is underneath water
  17. fishstick4sale

    just added some sand...

    some people do this add sand thats been cleaned and dried out for a few days to weeks and when added im assuming it stirs up the gunk and old stuff from the existing sand and it spikes it or it sends a cloud into your tank. theres a few threads in here about people adding sand and spiking their...
  18. fishstick4sale

    microbubbles from skimmer

    i used sponges alot and after a few days it would lets junk go through them, so i switched over to cottom and stuff
  19. fishstick4sale

    Depressed damsel?

    damsels will hide alooooot its normal just mayb noticed it now but they will hide alot from nets and anything put in the water. its normal. when i goto the LFS and i walk up to the glass full of damsels they all split
  20. fishstick4sale

    microbubbles from skimmer

    do those sponges work? for ur fuge? thought sponges didnt work