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  1. truperc

    Help with Sand

  2. truperc

    Begginer Corals

    Mushrooms, Star Polyps, Button Polyps, Zoos... I am sure others with more experience then me could add to this list.
  3. truperc


    Thanks. Yes was asking for MH and T5 bulbs
  4. truperc


    Wanted to see what reflectors others are using. Brands? How well have they worked?
  5. truperc

    Help with Sand

    I read about the potential for an ammonia spike, but was not sure 1 to 2 lbs would cause it to go too high. Critters would be to help with the sifting of the sand, mini clean up crew, natural food source...etc.
  6. truperc

    Help with Sand

    The intent of the live would be to add some bio diversity e.g worms, phytoplankton and small crustaceans
  7. truperc

    Help with Sand

    I currently have a 60 g reef tank that is established with a sand bed of btwn 1.5" - 2". I am thinking about adding some sand, and I wanted to receive some feedback. Part of the reason for adding the sand is for a "Recharge" of critters, part is for look, and part is to see if it helps...
  8. truperc

    Reef Lighting Bulbs

    I am looking for information on what brands and kelvin bulbs people are using for their reef tanks? Specifically MH and T-5 bulbs are what I am interested in. Are people factoring PAR into their decision process? My tank has a depth of 24 "
  9. truperc

    Coral ID

    are some gorgonians soft? this coral is very soft and waves around in the tank however the current takes it.
  10. truperc

    Coral ID

    I took over someone's tank and inherited this coral as a result. Anyone familiar with it? It looks like an octocoral, but not sure. Picture is a little fuzzy. It is basically twig like with a low of polyps all up, down and around the full length top to bottom.
  11. truperc

    Chocolate Chip starfish

    I agree with the others that you should stay away from CC if you plan to have a reef tank. However, you did not say you had a reef tank, so as long as you do not plan on adding corals, snails, clams, and any other items that are too slow to get out of the way.... They are cool. That said, I...
  12. truperc

    False Perc Question

    FWIW I have True Percs, but I would anticipate that the response would be the same. I added additional True Perc after one was well established in the tank. They jockeyed for position a little for the first couple weeks. Nothing damaging, just displaying. Then they took on their repective...
  13. truperc

    sea hair.

    My 2 cents. I have a blue dot sea hare. It mowed down my hair algae like nobody's business. (I have heard this is not always the case) The problem I see is keeping it fed. When I bought the sea hare the LFS said that it would take it a while to make it through the algae in a 60 G tank...
  14. truperc

    To Shrimp or not to Shrimp that is the ???

    I do not have any current residents in my BTA but I do have clowns in the tank. The question I have is what others experience has been with anenome shrimp...or crabs for that matter. Do they help feed the anenome by virtue of bringing food back, or are they only stealing the food already...
  15. truperc

    BTA Question

    So I fed my BTA a q-tip sized piece of shrimp today to see how it would like it. The BTA closed up like a purse, which I figured was fine. I have seen pics of this before. Then it did something I was not expecting. Basically, when it opened, it looked like a flat top mushroom. the oral disc...
  16. truperc

    Clown Getting Darker On Top

    From what I have read food pigments can play a significant role in this as well.
  17. truperc

    BTA Question

    Originally Posted by Rod Buehle The saddest part is that they often starve because they are being feed too much or improper foods. Sometimes it takes more energy to consume what they are being fed than the energy gained. So I guess my next obvious question should have been, what is too much...
  18. truperc

    Little Bear Conch

    No. Google Strombus sp or Tiger Sand Conch
  19. truperc

    Little Bear Conch

    FWIW I have a Tiger Sand Conch. It took care of my cyano in short order and continues to roam around cleaning my tank. One of my favorite inverts.
  20. truperc

    a few of my anemones

    Thanks. Always good to get the knowledge from the experts.