Search results

  1. hondo

    Clam Light

    on your 75g tank which is 4' long you should have 2 X 250w MH and some VHO or PC actinic. Look around ---- and any number of lighting supply places on the net for deals and types of fixtures. There is also the DIY method which will save you some $$$ and it's not very hard to do as My lighting is...
  2. hondo

    Clam Light

    depends if you want to go with an complete system in a hood, a retrofit kit, or the DIY route. Lighting is expensive so be prepared for some sticker shock.
  3. hondo

    How Much Sand Do I Need?

    I asked this a couple of months ago and was told the following. L" X W" X desired sand bed depth in " X .0579 = lbs of sand needed.
  4. hondo

    Clam Light

    depends on what you want to keep. soft corals and LPS only you can get buy with VHO or PC. Probably look to have close to 400w total. If you want to keep clams and SPS corals then you are better off with Metal Malide lighting with actinic supplemation in either PC or VHO. Personally I would...
  5. hondo

    removing scratches from acryllic

    know anyplace I can research what this product is. How difficult is it to use?
  6. hondo


    Copper will have gotten into the rock and substrate that was in this tank. In addition the copper will have gotten into the seals on the tank. I would not put corals or inverts in this tank. It's only a 15 high so it's not like it is expensive to replace ( probably the cost of one coral). even...
  7. hondo

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    LR = Copepods refugium = Copepods Your tank is on the small side for being able to have enough pod population for one of these, and it's pretty rare to get them to switch their diet but it has been done. How much LR do you have in your 40g? Probably your best option is going to be a refugium...
  8. hondo

    How long does everone run their Lights?

    50g reef LPS and Softies with 220w PC I run the PC 10 hours per day 37g reef LPS and SPS with 175w MH and PC actinic I run the MH 8 hours and the PC 10 hours.
  9. hondo

    removing scratches from acryllic

    recently purchased a used 135 acryllic tank. This will be my first acryllic set up as all previous tanks have been glass. The tank has some very light scratches on it and I would like to get it in "as new" condition as possible before setting it up. What is the best scratch kit out there and how...
  10. hondo

    leather coral dying??

    well If your water is fine (no nitrate test though and corals do not like nitrates) then the leather may just be shedding. They do this periodicaly. What is your lighting set up and when did you put this coral in your tank.
  11. hondo

    leather coral dying??

    Leather corals do shed from time to time and when they do this it's not uncommon for them to not have polyps out for several days. It might be doing this or it might be stressed by something. Need more info on your water quality. Have you tested the water recently? If so what are the results...
  12. hondo

    Emeralds and Chili Corals

    Emeralds do molt and it's easy to see the molt and think it is a dead emerald. I doubt they are bothering the chili if the polyps are out probably just picking off stray peices of food and algae. the coral sounds like it is acting normal for a coral which doesn't not process light for food.
  13. hondo

    Frag trade in portland area

    Mhplance, there is a reef club in Portland. they have a message board on the site under PNWMAS. check it out as they have a meeting next sunday (they meet monthly).
  14. hondo

    maximum flow through a refugium

    sgt york, I haven't actually set this system up yet but it will be tied to the main tank. The tank has two corner overflows which will lead to either a sump or directly to the refugium, depending on how much return flow I can have. On my 50g reef I use a 10g sump and a life reef overflow to get...
  15. hondo

    maximum flow through a refugium

    NM, What I am looking to do is run this reef skimmerless so my refugium would be my main filtration along with DSB and LR. My question really is about how much flow can I have through the refugium before the rate of flow decreases the effectiveness of the refugium. To get 10 - 15x flow in this...
  16. hondo

    10 gallon fuge/reef

    pretty much any kind of light can be used for growing calurpa. I use a 20w no flor on my ten gal refugium and have had no problems with growth. Use what ever you have including an incandescent if you have one.
  17. hondo

    maximum flow through a refugium

    I am setting up a 135g reef tank that will have a 40g refugium. What is the maximum amount of flow recomended before the flow starts reducing the refugiums effectiveness.
  18. hondo

    MH ballast selection

    the difference in the ballasts is the mercury vapor will only run a mercury vapor bulb (iwasaki) while the advance ballast on is coil and core and will run any type of bulb.
  19. hondo


    buy some trouchas snails as they can turn themselves over if they fall. They are a little more expensive but they last allot longer and they are fantasitic cleaners
  20. hondo

    What was your very first S/W Fish?

    false perc, and I still have him 4 years later. He is pretty tough because he survived allot of my ignorance in the first year. Bought him because it was the photos of clownfish in anemones that always drew my attention to saltwater. Never bought an anomone but he lives happily in a large green...