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  1. ghola5

    ADDING more crushed coral?

    Im wanting to add more crushed coral to my tank, it only has about an inch and I want it to have at least 2 more inches. Question is will it hurt my tank in anyway? making it go into shock or anything? just wanted to ask before I do it.
  2. ghola5

    Pics of my fish

    very pretty
  3. ghola5

    Favorite eat

    stuffed flounder from red lobster
  4. ghola5

    One of my horses just had babies!

    wow great pic, they are sooo cute and tiny
  5. ghola5

    Bright orange Monti Cap pieces

    pm from me 2
  6. ghola5

    Galaxia Coral- Bright green. So CA.

    pm me if u will ship to 74133
  7. ghola5

    windex or glass cleaner? bad idea?

    its very true and dont use anything but water to clean the outside
  8. ghola5

    Trader Feedback

    I never have liked DHL and had the same thing happen to me in the past.
  9. ghola5

    Does anybody know the life expectancy of a cat?

    They say if they are indoor they will live longer. It does make since though, anyhow my cat lived to be 17 and we had to put him to sleep. I have had people say their cats have lived to be 23 or so. My oldest cat turns 10 this year
  10. ghola5

    Ummm...Uhhh....Cat smells?

    I have 4 cats and have 3 cat boxes, the saying is to have a box for every cat and then an extra one. I clean it at least once a day and sometimes 2, add a little fresh kitty litter after each cleaning and I also add baking soda 2 times a week. People dont even know I have cats unless they see them
  11. ghola5

    Candy you hate. Or hated as a kid

    I hated maryjanes as well and also when the elderly would give us pennies LOL
  12. ghola5

    How many kittens....

    is it a no kill shelter? my animal shelter puts animals to sleep after 3 business days its awful. I hope its a no kill shelter, they are just absolutely adorable
  13. ghola5

    Homeowner again!! WOO HOO!!

    Oh my gosh 1500 sf geeez, you could get easy almost a 4 thousand square foot house here in oklahoma. I pay 860 for a 2 bed apt and its 1600 sf
  14. ghola5

    Home from China

    Its people like you that make this world a better place. Your story brings tears to my eyes. You and your husband are very sweet and caring. I also hope to adopt someday, my husband is from Russia and there are so many unwanted children there it breaks my heart.
  15. ghola5

    Check It Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wuddya think????

    I think its a great idea, I have the same prob only able to go on weekends, I work to late everyday during the work week. Nice job!
  16. ghola5

    oklahoma people

    let me know if anyone around tulsa has anything for sale, any corals
  17. ghola5

    Frag sale in Oklahoma

    Im in tulsa as well and your right about frags not being so great, we need another saltwater store here. Let me know if you find any good deals or find anyone selling and I will do the same.
  18. ghola5

    cool email i got

    very funny
  19. ghola5

    Walk for Farm Animals

    Tib once again I like what your doing and support what your doing.
  20. ghola5

    Walk for Farm Animals

    Tib I like what your doing and I support what your doing.