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  1. mx mr bean

    [b]right Lighting For A Reef 150g Tank[/b]

    hey alex im gettin my liscence next months lets drive up to georgia after the camping trip on spring break. or lets build one dude. it would be way cheaper.
  2. mx mr bean

    Refugium validity?

    Hey everyone quick question. Are refugiums really worth it? If so what are the pros or if they are not what are the cons?
  3. mx mr bean

    Red Slime Crisis!!!

    I use 9 scoops for 90 gallons and for the first 24 hours i unplug my skimmer and UV sterilizer and remove any carbon or filter media for a full 48 hours then do a 27 gallon water change.
  4. mx mr bean

    flame angels with coral

    i have heard that most of the time theyre safe with coral but they still may pick at them is this true?
  5. mx mr bean

    Red Slime Crisis!!!

    well so far the red slime is gone but so are my fishs eyes i might need to put some more bleach in because there are a few tiny spots of red slime left. thanks for your advice.
  6. mx mr bean

    Red Slime Crisis!!!

    alright it sounds like it could work. Since bleach can take red stains out of cloths why wouldnt it work on the red slime. im going to put bleach in rght away. ill let you know how everything goes.
  7. mx mr bean

    couple of newbie questions

    From my experience, I find that my Current (thats the brand name) skimmer is very effeicent and reliable. I highly reccommend them. Good luck with your FOWLR tank.
  8. mx mr bean

    Red Slime Crisis!!!

    I am not sure of the pumps name but i know that it can pump at 800 Gph. I am pretty sure thats not the problem but turning the lights of for a few days sounds good and bad. I have an electric blue clam that is very demanding of light and my frogspawns are doing unbelievably well with the current...
  9. mx mr bean

    ID me

    blood shrimp
  10. mx mr bean

    Red Slime Crisis!!!

    Hello. For a while now (three or four months) my tank has been experiencing a red slime outbreak. I have physically removed the nuissance and have regularly been treating it with Chemiclean Red Slime remover once a month. My lighting system is a T5 Nova Extreme with two 54 Watt Blue Actinic and...
  11. mx mr bean

    Carpet Anemone Problem

    hello i reccomend getting better light smart guy.