Search results

  1. tmoney

    Chevron and Purple Tang- GOOD OR BAD?

    Hey guys, My friend is wondering if he could put a Chevron and a Purple tang together in his 90 Gal reef. I myself don't know since tangs might fight if they look alike so to me they don't really look TOO different besides color. Any advice?
  2. tmoney

    Rock Smells HORRIBLE + Grey Color

    Let's hope it goes away, FAST! :scared: I have the smelly pieces of rock in a huge bucket full of saltwater, think that would help it out?
  3. tmoney

    Rock Smells HORRIBLE + Grey Color

    Hey Guys, Got my 90 gallon (didnt receive the overflow kit yet so no water in 90) but I do have water and rock inside my refugium below it. Question I have is why it smells HORRIBLE and why the color of the rock changed from normal (when I bought it) to a greyish color now. I left the rock...
  4. tmoney

    Bristle Worm IDENTIFICATION?

    Alright I guess i'll try it haha. So I read they are benificial and some people keep them in their fuges as well...I just hope they won't make it to my tank because I really don't like the look of them! :happyfish
  5. tmoney

    Bristle Worm IDENTIFICATION?

    Hundreds of these things? :scared: That's insane lol, I think they look disgusting!
  6. tmoney

    Bristle Worm IDENTIFICATION?

    Hi, currently setting up my 30 gallon refugium for my 90. After a couple hours I notice this bristle worm cruisin around. Are they safe or what? I don't know anything about these type of worms..
  7. tmoney

    My 12 Gallon NanoCube DX with Pics

    Looking great Masala, the Xenia looks awesome! When are you planning on getting some more fish?
  8. tmoney

    Need Coralline Fast

    What do I have to go with then?
  9. tmoney

    Need Coralline Fast

    Alright, we can probably wait another month. Another thing- Just had to return the 42-Watt T-5's to my friend and now I use a regular flourescent twin-tube strip light over the 20 gallon. 36" Twin-Tube Strip light 60W total going over the 20 gallon tank. Not much at all I know, is this...
  10. tmoney

    Need Coralline Fast

    This is for my LFS I work at and we need some pretty fast because we don't have nearly enough LR in our tanks. They are relying on me to cure them and bring them back to the store ASAP.
  11. tmoney

    Need Coralline Fast

    Hey Guys, I am curing live rock for the LFS I work at and I can't seem to get any coralline on it. Yes it's only been in there for a month or two but still I need to hurry this process up! :joy: They are in a 20 gallon tank all stacked in there under 48Watts of T-5 lights. Is there any...
  12. tmoney

    ARO Ballast For VHO Lights?

    This might a dumb question but what's a cross member? The canopy is painted white on the inside sicne we thought it would help reflect light better.
  13. tmoney

    ARO Ballast For VHO Lights?

    Alright, thanks for the comment, this made my night. One more thing- The canopy my buddy and I built is pretty darn high, the bulbs are 15" above the water. We fired them up over his 55G tank and it wasn't too bright at all. Is this because the bulbs are way too high up or what? The canopy...
  14. tmoney

    ARO Ballast For VHO Lights?

    Hey Guys, I made the mistake of ordering a product BEFORE asking if anyone knew of it. We just got the same one for my buddy, hooked everything up and it seems great, now all he needs to do is start cycling his 90. Anyway, has anyone ever heard/own of the ARO 220 Watt VHO solid state...
  15. tmoney

    Setting Up 90 Gallon Reef Need Advice

    SMoney- Nope didnt know there was a SMoney. wax32- Thanks. What do you recommend for lights then? I have went to many LFS (just saltwater) and they have the 4x110W VHO's over 75-125 gallon tanks.
  16. tmoney

    Setting Up 90 Gallon Reef Need Advice

    I recently purchased a 75 gallon tank (without overflow) and stand and realized I wanted it higher so I am replacing it with a 90 gallon tank with the overflow. Now my options on filters/etc. changed (again!) so I need some advice from you pro's. 1. Wet/Dry or 30 gallon refugium? 2. How deep...
  17. tmoney

    Fish In Tank Are Dying HELP!

    I always used PimaFix, never really helped at all...
  18. tmoney

    Fish In Tank Are Dying HELP!

    The tang just died. I don't know the levels as of right now but last time I checked, which was 2 days ago, everything seemed to be right on. It was a 30gallon tank. (Yes I know too small for a tang and angel but they were both babies and I was going to put them into the 75 gallon which is now...
  19. tmoney

    Fish In Tank Are Dying HELP!

    Problem was, the Angel I got was form the LFS I work at and our saltwater tanks are HORRIBLE, i mean beyond horrible, all the fish die in the first week. I wanted to save this guy because he didn't have any ich on him at all and he was doing fine, but now he's dead too. (The Angel.) I have a...
  20. tmoney

    Fish In Tank Are Dying HELP!

    Hey Guys, Last night I added a Flame Angel and this morning I see that my two perculas are dead. They have had ick before but it went away like 2 days before they died. The Angel now has ick and so does my baby yellow tang. The tangs fins look like they are getting eaten away by something...