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  1. zero26

    Check out my 10 AGA Reef Ready

    The sump sounds pretty sweet post some pics!
  2. zero26

    How does a overflow fail?

    Wow, the eshopps overflow is what I will probably go with, but adding a float sounds like a good idea also so the pump would shut off if nobody was home.
  3. zero26

    How does a overflow fail?

    I see, I have heard alot about eshopps U tube overflow, its about the best out there.
  4. zero26

    How does a overflow fail?

    hey guys went to my LFS and heard some horror stories of people coming home and water all over the floor from the overflows failing. How exactly does it happen? The only way it can fail, is from the tube disconnecting from the overflow, right? So a with a good clamp, it should never fail...
  5. zero26

    28 gal tall, some questions

    Whats a good brand canister filter?
  6. zero26

    28 gal tall, some questions

    found out a little more info I believe it to be a 29 gal marineland system without the hood.
  7. zero26

    28 gal tall, some questions

    I am looking at a 28 gal tall aquarium, pretty good price, what should I use for filtering. Should I do a sump, or just get a good HOB filter? This will be my first SW setup. Thanks.
  8. zero26

    Instant Ocean reef crystals?

    I was at my LFS yesterday and noticed two different types of salt. Regular instant ocean, and the instant ocean reef crystals. Is there really a difference?
  9. zero26

    Fresh water puffer?

    how do you acclimate them? water changes with more salt every time?
  10. zero26

    Fresh water puffer?

    yo guys, was at the wally world today and they have spotted puffers there. It was in freshwater, but the label said 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gals of water. So I guess it isn't freshwater then. I was looking for something to start a small pico, but not SW fish because I am just starting out. I...
  11. zero26

    What can I grow with T5's?

    After days and days of researching, I got a handle on just about everything except for this crucial part, lighting. I probably going to go with a 54 corner. I want in the future a reef tank so I dont want to upgrade my lights down the road. I found these Current USA Nova Extreme Pro T5 lights...
  12. zero26

    Storing Live Rock?

    Ya, thats my problem, it might be up to a month before I get a tank! Could you store it in some tubs with a heater and a powerhead for that long?
  13. zero26

    Storing Live Rock?

    Is there any way to store live rock? Can it be stored dry? There's a local guy that has some leftover to sell me pretty cheap. Since I don't have a tank yet, what method would it be my best bet? Thanks so much!
  14. zero26

    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit ANY GOOD?

    Sorry I forgot to add that it was a 12G. The description on the light is 50/50 actinic compact fluorescent lamp.
  15. zero26

    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit ANY GOOD?

    Been bored all day, so I have been looking for deals, I ran across a Marineland Instant Ocean Aquarium Kit that comes with everything, I mean everything starter instant ocean salt, heater, etc. I've read alot on here about the lighting in those tanks are not very good. I would like to have a...
  16. zero26

    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit ANY GOOD?

    In your guys opinion which is the best nano setup?
  17. zero26

    Buying a full used system need advice.

    It's a 65 gal tank, been cycled for a couple months 40 lbs of LR and oydseea MH lights. U guys heard of that brand?
  18. zero26

    Buying a full used system need advice.

    Hey guys I am thinking of buying a whole setup off the bay, it says its got a ecosystem pro sump, with a asm g1 skimmer, are those products any good? Also he wants you to take everything, live rock and live sand even the water. Would'nt you just dump the water and start with some fresh once you...
  19. zero26

    dirty water, use for watering plants?

    It was definitely SW, that's what I figured too, maybe he waters his grass with it.
  20. zero26

    dirty water, use for watering plants?

    Watched this video on youtube, the guy said he keeps all his dirty water from water changes and uses it to water his plants. Won't that kill your plants? Any of you guys do that?