Search results

  1. blennybabe

    My new coral pic!

    I know these arent as good as ryebread's but its all I can do on my cheap digital camera. I am so excited about this coral...
  2. blennybabe

    OT: Other Hobbies

    Let me see.... I also am into racing but mostly vintage cars. My Grandpa owns a 1967 Lancia Fulvia Sport Coupe that is absolutely immaculate. He used to show it and has tons of awards, but when he totaled his race car he had to do something with this one. He races with ferraris, porshes, and...
  3. blennybabe

    What anemone for me....READ!!!!!!

    Do a search on my posts, and youll find a reply that answers what anemones go with what clowns. I dont have the info on hand anymore. Or, you could do a search on clownfish compatibility either on this site or the web. Good Luck!
  4. blennybabe

    New Pics of the 29

  5. blennybabe

    Best LFS Story

    I work at a LFS and I have seen some of the other employees make some good saves as well as myself. This one woman came in wanting to get some new bulbs for her sons tank. I asked her what kind of tank it was and she said that it was saltwater. this got my attention (its a pet store so I have...
  6. blennybabe

    coral question

    It is some sort of Gorgonian. try a search on that and youll find some information. good luck
  7. blennybabe

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    oops, here is the picture
  8. blennybabe

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    This is picture from over a year ago. Its My boyfriend and I at our senior ball.
  9. blennybabe

    This stinks! Or does it?

    Oh how i wish i had your problem (not the loss, but the oppurnity to stock a 180 gallon) If it were me, i would make it a peaceful community tank with live rock. a clown or two, some chromis, royal gramma, red lipped blenny, fairy wrasse, neon goby, antenna goby and pistol shrimp, maybe a...
  10. blennybabe

    Washington frag swap?

    I would love to go to something like that.
  11. blennybabe

    OT: Finish this... I knew I had found the worst LFS ever when...

    I was in a uaually very reputable ***** the other day and they had about a 35 gallon trigger tank with 3 or four triggers in it. there was a net still in the tank on top of an undulate who was trapperd. i told the guy working, and he replied that hes not in charge of saltwater and he didnt...
  12. blennybabe

    How many fish?

    I would like to get your opinions on how many small (under one inch) gobies or blennies i could have in my 74 gallon. Let me know if you need more info.
  13. blennybabe

    My New Couple Pic:)

    I just bought a pair of antenna gobies and a tiget pistol shrimp. the female and the shrimp are great friends, but the male is off somewhere. I hope he will find the other two. It was so fascinating to watch the shrimp build the little burrow. It is right up against the glass under a stray...
  14. blennybabe

    What do you think?

    I was looking at a few coral books and I found some corals that I would like to try (if I can get them). Most of the books list the requirements, but these arent very specific. I would like to hear your opinions on these corals and their care reqs if you have kept them. I forgot to get...
  15. blennybabe

    suggest some fish

    It seems to me that just about every fish I have has a lot of character. All of them swim freely and in the open. Heres what I have that might make a good choice for you: Royal Gramma redfin fairy wrasse redlip blenny green chromis neon goby I have other fish but these are the ones I would...
  16. blennybabe

    How do you frag corals?

    A good site that has a lot of information on coral fragging is... actually I think they sell things that does so youll have to email me for the site name.
  17. blennybabe

    O.T. Washington

    Aquarium Paradise is good, they know thier stuff, but tend to be pricy for not so great quality ( . Blue Sierra is great. The Fish Store in Seattle is really good. they have better corals in the winter when its not to expensive to ship them. I have heard good things...
  18. blennybabe

    Goniopora/Flowerpot whats up?

    I didnt want to go into a great deal of info about where the Coral could have ended up. I know it is going to do better in my tank than in the tank at work or my customers tanks, thats the only point im making. I know that this coral will probably die. I can only hope that it doesnt. I have...
  19. blennybabe

    Goniopora/Flowerpot whats up?

    here is the latest pic. (can you tell I just got my camera working??)
  20. blennybabe

    Goniopora/Flowerpot whats up?

    Im not certian I can keep one. I had an awesome chance to purchase one for $10 and it is in better condition than all the others I have ever seen, in a store or in someones reef tank. Im hoping that with the help of this board and some hard work on my part to make my tank perfect, or as close...