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  1. blennybabe

    What goby/bleenie should I add

    I agree with the Red Lipped Blenny. I absolutely love mine. he is the quirkiest fish i have asside from my percula. they camouflage at night and its kinda neat. definately not shy.
  2. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    He looks much better. i cant get him to hold still long enough for a picture, but there is no more white that i can see. he is swimming and eating well. since i have the lights off, he is alwats camouflaged so its hard to see what the tissue looks like. Hell be done with treatment on friday...
  3. blennybabe

    Can you recomend a good coral?

    Ill keep that in mind. I feed my LR plankton and stuff like that. Im talking about feeding a piece of krill to an elegance coral or something like that.
  4. blennybabe

    Can you recomend a good coral?

    By good i mean, it will live in my system I have a 75gallon with 65lbs of LR and crushed coral. I have two 175 metal halides with 12000k bulbs. I plan on adding some PCs when I can afford it (might be a while, i ahve tuition to pay) water parameters are all 0 and nitrates are 5 not many fish...
  5. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    I started the M2 today. you said to double the dose and the package said to use two tablets the first day and then one for the next four days. does that mean that i should be dosing four right now and two for the next four days? He is still eating. its hard to see how hes doing cause he will...
  6. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    The tank has already cycled from the LR i cured in it last month. i have had the filter running and the heater on since then. I didnt want to have to re-cycle it when i decided to use it again. I will get the M2 tomorrow. and start doing hypo. ill try to get a picture up tomorrow.
  7. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    Oh, i forgot to add that he was eating (tryed to lure him into the net) and he was breathing normaly before I chased him around. He changed color when I put him in the bucket while readying the qt. He does this at night. he looks like a leopard.
  8. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    He looks better and worse. His right side has gotten less white, but it is showing up on the other side too. it looks like the tissue is disrupted somehow. healso is showing some white in his pelvic fins and tail. the spot by his gills looks better, but the fact that it is on both sides now...
  9. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    Would original maracyn work? I didnt know which one to use and we had some opened in the back (I work at a pet store). I grabbed 4 tablets that arent expired. I can get more on monday. Can you give me any more advice? wish me luck with catching him. He has a ton of hiding places....
  10. blennybabe

    Terry & Ed Help Needed!

    I have a 20 gallon that is set up. I used it to cure LR for my reef and to start growing bacteria to shorten the cycle in my 75. My mom wants it for a seahorse tank but for right now its empty except for some sand. Its got a small filter and a light. i am ready to use this for the qt. I...
  11. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    I think you might be right. I looked closer after the picture was posted and it does indeed look like his skin is dying or something. Please help. I need to save this fish. thanks
  12. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    Here is the best picture that I could get.
  13. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    Here is the best picture that I could get.
  14. blennybabe

    Natural Light

    I was recently at a friends house. I asked to use the bathroom and their guest one was clogged so i had to use one at the other end of the house. I passed by this sunroom with a 46 bow front salt tank. it was the ugliest tank i have ever seen. only three fish in the entire thing. with the...
  15. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    It will be very hard to remove him. I have a ton of live rock and he hides really well. Ill try though. what would i need in the hospital tank? I could run to the store right away and treat him tonight.
  16. blennybabe

    What could this be on my favorite fish?

    I have a red lipped blenny. I just got home from camp (im a counselor...) and i noticed a whitish film or something on the right side, right behind his gills. his tail doesnt look good either sort of has small whitish patches. I know this isnt ich, but what could it be? a bacterial...
  17. blennybabe

    Looking for a mid-sized reef fish

    Thanks for your responses. I already have a royal gramma. i havent seen anyone around here that has any acessors thought i would like to try tat. i have a blue damsel too. but all these fish are relatively small. I could fit all of them in my palm. Im looking for something a little bigger...
  18. blennybabe

    Looking for a mid-sized reef fish

    Anyone know of any colorful fish that would be 4 or 5 inches? I am going to get a tang, but what else is there that is reef safe?
  19. blennybabe

    Help! Baby Seahorses this Morning!!!

    Look for information at
  20. blennybabe

    Anyone know of a reef safe angel?

    I would really like to have an angel in my tank but i plan on going to a full reef and I have a tendancy to fall in love with my fish, so to speak, and I would hate to have to get rid of someone. I would like to have a dwarf angel because of their size. Its a 75 gallon tank and all I have are...