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  1. blennybabe

    Something is eating my featherduster!!

    Thanks, Ill look into that. I brought him home from my work and I saw him eat then. when I put him in the tank, he wasnt eating. it took about a day for him to start. Hope i figgure out whats up.
  2. blennybabe

    Anemone on the move, what to do?

    Doesnt look like that at all. he has fewer tentacles and they are whitish purple (glows slightly green under actinic) i can almost alwats see his mouth and little white stripes leasing from it.
  3. blennybabe

    Anemone on the move, what to do?

    I have a tiny (about 1 inch wide fully extended) long tentacle anemone that came in a piece of live rock i brought home. since he has been in my tank, he has been constantly on the move. mostly is has been in the same piece of LR but now hes going up the side of the glass. hes sitting at the...
  4. blennybabe

    Something is eating my featherduster!!

    The top half of my feather duster looks like someone gave it a trim. normally the 'feathers" are about 4 inches long, but now they're only about 2 and a half inches. its only on the top half. Im really puzzled as to what could be eating/destroying it. hopefully you can help; heres what I...
  5. blennybabe

    Am I really that dirty?!?

    My cleaner shrimp has become quite the attraction at my house. All my friends want to stick their hands in so hell tickle them. its kinda cute.
  6. blennybabe

    Too Good to be True??

    So far in a lot of the posts here I have seen many people with nitrate problems. well for the last month I have had 5ppm and today I find a reading of zero. the tank is a 75 gallon and has been set up for 2 1/2 months and has 2''percula, 3'' blenny, 5'' blenny, 2 small chromis, a neon goby and...
  7. blennybabe

    Success with an Elegance?

    Has anyone kept one for over a year? I really want one but I want to be realistic about its requirements. Thanks for any help
  8. blennybabe

    ADVICE! Should I buy this elegance Coral?

    At my work, the head saltwater person ordered an elegance coral. This is beautiful. its about the size of my head and brilliant under the atinics. It looks wonderfully healthy and she told me that he opened within an hour after being unpacked. I just got two 175 halides with 12000k bulbs...
  9. blennybabe

    Anything special I need to know about MH?

    I am expecting to receive my MH lights today. I bought a dual 175 ballast and some bulbs. I was told that I shouldnt touch the bulbs with my hands. Is there anything else I would need to know when setting this up? I have only seen one other MH system and it was in a canopy and I didnt see...
  10. blennybabe

    Wife's a pain, can I do this nano?

    Im begining to think that my boyfriend likes my tank even more than I do. He even paid the extra for me to get the 75 rather than the 55 so that I could have more fish. He comes over when im not there and sits in front of it. He doesnt know much yet, but hes trying to learn withough going to...
  11. blennybabe

    Cycling Damsels???

    I have damsels in my tank because I am such a sucker for animals. I work at a pet store and this guy brought in three damsels in a paper cup. he said he drove for 45 minutes cause he didnt feel right about flushing them after the cycle and we were the closest store that sold saltwater. I...
  12. blennybabe


    If it has several clear tube openings then it is probably a colony of encrusting tunicates. they are trying to look lilke a sponge. a true sponge will usually only have one mouth called an osculum (i think) and they will use it for intake and exaust. I hope this helps. I have both in my...
  13. blennybabe

    The Beginning!

    I also have barnicals in my tank. I brought them home from work because the prettiest feather duster I have ever seen was stuck in it. Once I get some more I am going to use the barnicals as a holder for my feather duster colony. I cant wait.
  14. blennybabe

    DSB only in Refugium

    I thought of doing the same thing with my 75 gallon. Would a 20 gal with a 5-6 inch dsb be sufficient for my 75? I would really like to have a dsb but I actually like the look of cc and I dont want the trouble of switching it out.
  15. blennybabe

    neon goby vs. 6 line wrasse

    I cant see why not. Unless the goby tries to clean the wrasse and he doesnt like it. I say go for it. I love my goby. He has set up his cleaning station on a mat of see grass stuff (came on life rock) and he makes everyone come to him. then he rubs himself silly on the grass. It looks like...
  16. blennybabe

    how many have had fish jump from tank?

    I had my Royal Gramma jump after about a month. I had done a water change and the bucket full of old water was still sitting next to the tank. I waited a few days to dump that water (I'm so lazy). The very night I dumped it, the gramma jumped out and landed in the dry bucket. If only I had...
  17. blennybabe

    Glass Tops (With/Without)

    Doesnt glass bend the uvb rays? thats why you cant get tan through glass? wouldnt it be better for the inverts to receive all the spectrum that they would in a real reef? I dont know how much this matters since the light has to pass through glass to get out of the bulb. When I get my MHs I...
  18. blennybabe

    anyone on here from the seattle area?

    I work at the Gig Harbor Pets and Pals. Its about 5 minutes over the narrows bridge. We get shipments every two weeks (on thursdays) We dont have many tanks, but since we are a small business we can order unique fish (not like ***** who always has the same things) and we can special order...
  19. blennybabe

    My fish-wish-list, are they all compatible?

    A Mandarin might not do so well, make sure you research this fish. Dont add one until the tank is really mature. but other than that, I think you are good. sounds like you have a lot of the fish that I want for my 75...
  20. blennybabe

    clownfish and anemone suggestions

    What sort of lighting do you have? You need a lot of light to house an anemone. do a search on this board and youll find what anemones are compatable with what clownfish. I suggest reading everything you can about anemones and clownfish before you do anything else. You may decided just to...