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  1. connor

    Lets See Your Reef Videos!!!

    beautiful tank i LOVE your rockwork!! but i just want to let you know the naso will need a 150 gallon tank down the road
  2. connor

    how long do you leave nori in your tank?

    ok good so im not doing a bad thing
  3. connor

    how long do you leave nori in your tank?

    when you feed your tangs how long do you leave the nori in your tank?? i leave mine in for 2 hours :joy:
  4. connor

    help me decide. spotted or green mandarin

    Originally Posted by NateP206 got any pictures? nate sorry i dont my digital camera is broken :mad: :mad:
  5. connor

    help me decide. spotted or green mandarin

    Originally Posted by NateP206 i know what they both look like and the requirements for bith just want to see more pictres and more opinons to help me. thanks for your input nate get the spotted mine is so pretty!!
  6. connor

    Nudilove's Tank Diary!

    Originally Posted by NudiLove Nope, no fish...Im a newbie as to the actual tank but definitely an old hat and library of info as to the theory of the tank itself. Hee The room its in is about 74-76 consistantly, I'll have to check the box but its actinics and PC lighting common to the 24 nano's...
  7. connor

    wednesday 6 pack ...

    very nice fish and corals!!!
  8. connor

    Bang Guy..Quick question, or anyone else.

    Originally Posted by wmuwally cbb? coper bannded butterfly
  9. connor

    Placement of New Zoo's

    i never knew about the sparkeles thing but mine are at the top 4 inches fron the waters surface and the lights are 7 inches above the water i have 2 250 mh and mine are ALL sparkely but my lower ones arent i am moving the farther up now
  10. connor

    Hammer price question

    Originally Posted by 04mach thank you. i boought a 10 headed hammer for 50.00 also i LOVE your avatar it is hilarious :hilarious
  11. connor

    Water changes how much % do you do?

    Originally Posted by Emperor11 I don't want to hijack the thread, but would you link me to a pic of your tank? Sounds awesome! my digi camera broke and im now saving for a new one lol
  12. connor

    Water changes how much % do you do?

    Originally Posted by Emperor11 WHAT?? All that room, and only 2 fish? i have just been adding corals lately i have 100 lbs of live rock so it looks kinda stupid with 1 coral so i have just been addding lots of corals for the past 6 months
  13. connor

    Water changes how much % do you do?

    about 10% every 2 weks i only have 2 small fish in a 90 though
  14. connor

    The look you get when you tell your friends how much your new rock cost!!!

    i tell every one but my mom (she loves the tank and picks out stuff for it too) that almost everything was an sale for 10-29 $$. the brand new acros 21.99 a pice( really 50.00 a pice mom bought one i bought the other). yellow tang 8.00 was 15.00 but went on sale. that rock was only 1.50 a...
  15. connor

    how many fish for a 29 gallon tank??

    ok sounds good
  16. connor

    how many fish for a 29 gallon tank??

    Originally Posted by Ray28576 The clowns, Blenny, Goby, and Gramma are what I would put in there. yeah but isnt 5 fish to much for a 29 gallon tank?
  17. connor

    any one know any fishstores in jax or saint augustine florida area

    im brand new to the area and was wondering if there were anygood fish stores in the jacksonville saint augustine florida area??? P.S not sure if this was the right forum to post this in ???? Thanks Connor
  18. connor

    Haven't added a full shot in awhile...what ya think?

    wow very very nice tank all of your corals look so healthy!!
  19. connor

    Pics from Norman Reef, QLD (9 pics)

    WHOA thats awesome!!
  20. connor

    how many fish for a 29 gallon tank??

    my little sister (7) loves my 90 gallon reef and now wants a tank of her own to go in her room,( i would take care of it for her LOL) i have a spare 29 gallon that i am giving her. here are all the fish she likes valentini puffer or spotted toby puffer 2 occelaris clowns pygmy angle bi-color...