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  1. fattytwobyfour

    MACNA 2013...who's going???

    Actually, I just found the website for 2014:
  2. fattytwobyfour

    MACNA 2013...who's going???

    Y'all have fun, and make sure to post details about next years event. I'd like to visit something like this, b/c there's not a lot of saltwater action in the state of Arkansas!.
  3. fattytwobyfour

    Brand Spanking New - 29g build

    I have a 33 gallon, and also use a canister pump & HOB skimmer. I am probably going to go with a sump this Fall, but that's just a personal preference. You can always decide to upgrade your setup in the future. This hobby is expensive, and it's usually good to buy the best you can instead of...
  4. fattytwobyfour

    Will coralline algae grow on Wall Hammer skeleton?

    Thanks. I don't think that it is harmful, because the coral seems to be really healthy. Everything I've read says wall hammers grow in crazy ways, but are slow growers. I've been watching the spot for 4 months. Maybe one day flesh will pop out.
  5. fattytwobyfour

    My 33 Gallon tank

    And I think sand bed space is one of the biggest things I've learned from my first tank. I know when I build a larger tank, I will try to have lots of it.
  6. fattytwobyfour

    My 33 Gallon tank

    Thanks. I'm now trying to decide what corals I'm going to add in those spaces! I know I want something really bright red. I have a red mushroom, & it really pops in my tank. I've got a lot of green colored corals right now. The sump will be a challenge. I'm not very diy, but I'll follow...
  7. fattytwobyfour

    Will coralline algae grow on Wall Hammer skeleton?

    Bump. I can't find anything online. I'm really wondering about the half dollar size growth on it.
  8. fattytwobyfour

    R420R LEd Lighting system

    From everything I've read, maxspect has very good customer service.
  9. fattytwobyfour

    R420R LEd Lighting system

    I have that fixture and am very happy with it. Mine has never done that, so it does sound like an issue.
  10. fattytwobyfour

    Acclimation drips

    If I order online, I follow their acclimation policy. I do agree about being careful with items that have been shipped. I've read a lot online about things like possible ammonia spikes. I would think that if where you purchase your livestock from has a good return policy, they will advise you...
  11. fattytwobyfour

    Are RO unit filters standard size?

    I got my shipment in today. I kind of panicked when I opened it. The filters looked much smaller than the older filters in my ro unit. But when I opened the ro unit up, the filters were both the same size. In my panic, I forget to measure my old ro water before switching the filters, but...
  12. fattytwobyfour

    My 33 Gallon tank

    Well, I had three ricordeas and a rock of blue cloves fall under the live rock several weeks ago. I decided yesterday that was too much money to let them float away for me not to enjoy. So I moved some rock to get to them. I then decided that it would be nice if I had even more sandbed space...
  13. fattytwobyfour

    dosing calcium. never done it, just want to make sure im doing it correctly.

    I went ahead and went with the Instant Ocean Reef Crystals. I was already using the regular Instant Ocean salt, and really no issues that I can tell. I'm not really sure what everybody looks for in a salt mix, but I do know things like my Alk levles stay pretty steady. The only thing was that...
  14. fattytwobyfour

    dosing calcium. never done it, just want to make sure im doing it correctly.

    Would you recommend the Red Sea brand over the reef crystals? Not trying to steal the OP thread. I'm just going to order salt this week.
  15. fattytwobyfour

    Are RO unit filters standard size?

    I ordered from where y'all suggested. The shipping was a little high, but I spent $50, so I got a free TDS meter. It basically equals out to me getting free shipping and paying $1.50 for the TDS meter. I went with the chloramine filter pack. I looked on my local water report, and it...
  16. fattytwobyfour

    Are RO unit filters standard size?

    I've actually been using this unit since the middle of December. So I am sure that I am long over due for a filter change. I'm going to do them all at once so I know when it was done, and I can keep up with the maintenance on them. In the future I will change them on schedule though. I...
  17. fattytwobyfour

    I keep a reef tank using canister filters instead of sump?

    I'm still going to put that diy sump in this Fall. I think I start back work the first part of September, so my spending money will start rolling in again. That's my first project for sure.
  18. fattytwobyfour

    dosing calcium. never done it, just want to make sure im doing it correctly.

    I've started using Kent's CB Part A & B. And it has gotten my calcium to a good level. Right now I am using Instant Ocean salt. My calcium has been 320 with that. I started dosing, and it's been staying at 420-440. Just make sure you test for calcium, alk, and magnesium, as they all go...