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  1. fattytwobyfour

    Are RO unit filters standard size?

    Thanks! I will check them out!
  2. fattytwobyfour

    I keep a reef tank using canister filters instead of sump?

    Thanks for the info. I don't change the media that often. I may rinse it once a month & change every 2 months. (I live too far from a LFS to keep a lot on hand). Plus I hate trying to get the lid on perfect so it don't leak. I do a 5 gallon water change every week in my 33 gallon. But I'll...
  3. fattytwobyfour

    Are RO unit filters standard size?

    A friend gave me this unit for free. There is no instruction manual, and I can't find any info online. I've used it for most of this year, but want to change the filters so I can stay on top of the maintenance. I've found info how to change them online, but didn't know if the filter sizes were...
  4. fattytwobyfour

    I keep a reef tank using canister filters instead of sump?

    Thanks! I just dumped the water. I didn't realize that was apart of it. It's been running for 9 months without me doing that!!! I do regularly change the filters and rinse them. But I will start dumping it with my weekly water changes as well. I honestly didn't understand the mechanics of...
  5. fattytwobyfour

    I keep a reef tank using canister filters instead of sump?

    I know this is an old topic... but I do have a question. When cleaning my filter, I just take the racks out and clean the filters in it. Am I supposed to dump the water out of the canister too? I always just leave that part alone. I bought my canister used, so I didn't get any...
  6. fattytwobyfour

    This is what we do on Saturday nights around here.

    I didn't do any lighting. LOL It was my bro in law and dad. I honestly felt bad about pouring gasoline into the ground. I have tried every green method I could find online. But I have 2 nieces that are only 2years and 8 months old. They love being outdoors. I just couldn't risk them...
  7. fattytwobyfour

    My fish died. Need help.

    When your book on the hobby comes out, let me know. ;)
  8. fattytwobyfour

    Will coralline algae grow on Wall Hammer skeleton?

    Ok, I turned only the white lights on, and this is what it looks like:
  9. fattytwobyfour

    Will coralline algae grow on Wall Hammer skeleton?

    I noticed that one side of my wall hammer is brown, and the other side is like a splotchy white. The side that has the splotchy white is close to the glass. That glass has started to explode with coralline algae growth (same color and blotches). I am pretty sure it is coralline algae, but...
  10. fattytwobyfour

    My fish died. Need help.

    Everything isn't well if animals keep dying and you were having ammonia readings last week. People on this forum just want to help you. They have greatly helped me with problems I have had in this hobby.
  11. fattytwobyfour

    Adding More Fish

    You shouldn't have any problem with shrimp and snails. I added mine after, and no problems. It really depends on the angelfish though. Mine wasn't aggressive. He had enough room and plenty of caves & hiding spaces. I added clownfish after, and they stayed in their corner, & didn't bother each...
  12. fattytwobyfour

    Adding More Fish

    It really depends on the types of fish. Typically, you want to add the coral beauty angelfish last because they can be aggressive towards smaller tankmates. Rearranging the rock work could help by encouraging fish to reestablish territories. You may try that, but I'd have some other option...
  13. fattytwobyfour

    Adding More Fish

    I have a 33 gallon. I went with two clowns & a coral beauty angelfish in mine. If it was my tank and I was keeping corals, I wouldn't add any more fish.
  14. fattytwobyfour

    My fish died. Need help.

    Water changes and time. Your tank is still cycling. The very first thing I would do is stop using tap water. I know you said your father owned the tank before you, and maybe he used tap water for many years. But the quality of tap water for aquarium use has greatly decreased over the past...
  15. fattytwobyfour

    My fish died. Need help.

    I don't think you need anything but time in a tank cycle. Maybe a piece of shrimp.
  16. fattytwobyfour

    This is what we do on Saturday nights around here.

    I live in Batesville. It's about a hour & 15 minutes north of Cabot. Cabot is really growing.
  17. fattytwobyfour

    This is what we do on Saturday nights around here.

    This is from 2002. I live in a grey shaded county. Not sure how much has changed in the fire ant world in the past decade.
  18. fattytwobyfour

    This is what we do on Saturday nights around here.

    I have tried the soapy water, and they do not kill the red wasps around here. Some of these red wasps you can spray wasp poison, and it stuns them for a second, and then they get up like nothing happened. The best thing that worked for me is that green wasp trap in the video. (The one that...
  19. fattytwobyfour

    28 Gallon Quarantine Build

    Thanks! I did find some pvc pipe. I'm also thinking about putting this piece of dry rock in. It was once in my display tank, but I didn't have room for it. If I do put it in the quarantine, I'm not going to use it in any other tank but that one. And I currently only have the dreaded...
  20. fattytwobyfour

    This is what we do on Saturday nights around here.

    I'm trying to clean out a 28 gallon tank right now that I am going to use as a quarantine tank. I am using vinegar, and there is one yellow jacket that I guess has lived. My deck wraps around the back and side of my house. I was on the side, and it started attacking me. I moved all the way...