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  1. iceburger

    if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry

    a book? about a made for tv movie lol...anyway... just a thought, i know someone who is in the oil bussiness, he lives in alaska and works for BP, he said that there is enough oil in alaska that we could have enough for this country to use and then we could supply the middle east with oil...
  2. iceburger

    Decorator crab question

    lol mine is a moving mass of kinda freaks ya out...
  3. iceburger

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

  4. iceburger

    $$$ to spend.....ideas please

    ok...well with a 55 i'd go for maybe the Jalli 220 watt PC...sells for around 200...and i think there are a few people on the trading and classifieds that have some for sale, i have one for my 75...with other lighting, and its a really great deal...JMO
  5. iceburger

    $$$ to spend.....ideas please

    no corals?....well then, dont get the expensive lighting, just go for a 110 watt duel PC or somthin along those lines, and then maybe spend that extra money on a UV filter :D ......or maybe a new fish, or maybe a couple of those powerball tickets ;) ......
  6. iceburger

    How to take good photos?

    do you know how close the camera can be before it cant focus? you may be too close to the subject, and the camera is not focusing all the way...
  7. iceburger

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    ^^^BUMP^^^...went the car as it ran over the rock in the road
  8. iceburger

    a little off topic, but just curious.

    i'll let you build me a custom stand and hood for my 75 ;) then maybe i'll say nice things about you lol...but seriously i just built the frame for my 75 stand and now i gotta make it look nice :confused: :confused: :confused:
  9. iceburger

    WTB. Mag9/9.5...+

    name says it all
  10. iceburger


    hmmmm, never heard of anyone selling them commercially but i'm sure you can persuade someone on this board to sell you some, or even better, give you some ;)
  11. iceburger

    Question for all you nano guys

    hmmm, i had a 10 gallon nano, and i couldnt have done without a skimmer, even a skilter will work, also a good powerfilter...not much on the skimming part but you can modify it...
  12. iceburger

    a little off topic, but just curious.

    lots of money in it... get a good customer base and then maybe expand to aquarium maintenance...just make sure you've got insurance... ;)
  13. iceburger

    what do i need in my refugium?

    i accually set up a "pod tank" on accident, i tore down my 10 gallon nano and took everything out exept a piece of LR and the sand... and just let it sit for about a month with just a bubbler in there...i looked in there and there were millions of pods everywhere in there...if you could, find...
  14. iceburger

    Do you just need a di filter??????

    well, way to rain on my parade ;) oh well, does the job for me :D
  15. iceburger

    Stupid question..but I had to ask

    macro algea accually prefers light in a lower spectrum...
  16. iceburger

    clown takes a ride!

    two words WATER SLIDE!!!!!
  17. iceburger

    yellow Tang eats cyanobacteria?

    cyano is the dreaded red "slime".... also, many other macro and micro algea are in the cyanobacteria family...genus...phylum...whatever lol the theory of evolution cyanobacteria is thought to be the main ingredient in "primeordeal soup"...
  18. iceburger

    if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry

    After reading all the replies I am forced to share my own opinion... The media in and of itself is not a matter of fact it is the most powerful tool that America has, but I believe that the media should be a little more careful about what they report, for instance, somthing that will...
  19. iceburger


    LFS and a camera shop...
  20. iceburger

    if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry

    go on ryebreads website for the pics on the people of this board...then go watch CNN late might be suprised ;)