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  1. iceburger

    what do i need in my refugium?

    ok, if your tank is matured then take a piece of LR from your tank and place it in your refugium, this will jumpstart your pods in the refugium...that is if there are pods on your LR...then get some culerpa, doesnt really matter what kind... make sure you've got some LS or miracle mud in...
  2. iceburger

    Do you just need a di filter??????

    OMG!!! i just realized it...i've had a DI system hooked up to my sink for about a year...hahaha i've been putting water conditioner in my DI water...heh... BTW, it does close to 50 GPH...yes thats right 50 GPH!!!
  3. iceburger

    Broomer....another sump question

    heh, yep i have that covered now, went to work...thought about it for myself a 10 gallon turtle tank with a square hole in the side about 3/4 the way up......thanx guys...i start work on the sump sunday....wish me luck
  4. iceburger

    OT: Hey Ryebread - Camera Question

    ewwwww olypmpus...
  5. iceburger

    tank prices help!!!!!!!!

    whip out that i work at a LFS and i get a huge discount and i wouldnt even get that price with all that stuff....
  6. iceburger

    Broomer....another sump question

    ok i think i have figured out how i'm going to do this....but i wanted to get your input on this system... my 75 is drilled, so i will have 1 40 gallon rubbermaid underneath it for the sump, well here's the different part of it, i am going to put a 10gallon in the rubbermaid container for the...
  7. iceburger

    How many watts for heater?

    i suggest 5 watts per gallon... you won't need as much if you run MH lighting but thats what i've always used...
  8. iceburger

    powerheads (best types)

    just bought a maxi jet tonight...for the GPH they are the most compact powerhead i've ever seen, pengiuns and hagens are so much bigger...
  9. iceburger

    electrcuted tank .

    it is not good for the tank, however if you havent seen any bad effects from it yet, you may have caught it in time...go to your LFS and get a grounding probe...or just go to HD and get a wire and ground it and stick it in the tank....and try to find out as soon as possible what is causing this...
  10. iceburger

    Atlantic Blue Tang?

    hairtrigger, a good idea, have the LFS put it on hold for a couple of days if they will do this, then watch it as much as you can over the course of a few it eat, make sure he's active and doesnt seem sick...after doing this it won't garantee that the fish will not be prone to...
  11. iceburger

    Wierd clown behavior (imagine that)

    i wanna know too... ^^^BUMP^^^
  12. iceburger

    Where to get egg crate?

    hmmm it would seem to me that you would need to buy some eggs :p :rolleyes: :D
  13. iceburger

    Who Works at a Petshop?

    hmmmm, is this a ploy to ask those of us who do work at LFS's for great deals on stuff?
  14. iceburger

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    oh by the way ^^^BUMP^^^
  15. iceburger

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    um.... i thought about adding my two cents....but uh last time i counted, it was worth only a couple of yen
  16. iceburger

    What Do You Guys Pay For...

    mmmm, hand picked, cured liverock usually with nice stuff on it...somtimes shrooms and polyps and feather dusters...i pay 3.00 a pound...
  17. iceburger

    Who Works at a Petshop?

    its called "jacks aquarium & pets" in blue ash ohio...just outside cincinnati...
  18. iceburger

    OT: Good digital camera for tank pics

    possibly the fugi finepix 3800? this camera (as well as the s230) will focus as close as 3.9 inches....pretty decent for tank shots....another thing you might want to consider is the flash, look for a camera that has a "hotshoe" on it that way you can mount an external flash onto it to keep the...