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  1. iceburger

    DIY UV filter?

  2. iceburger

    Filter sand?

    yeah...thats what i'm here for :p
  3. iceburger

    Filter sand?

    yeah thats perfect, and it doesnt cloud up the water as much...or you could use pool filter sand...less expensive and smaller grain...
  4. iceburger

    sump and fuge -- help please

    that is completely up to you on how big the sump or refugium is...what i told you is just one of the many options you have... but it is one of the easier and more fool proof...if you have a 22 gal container you could use maybe another rubbermaid container inside of it so it would take up less...
  5. iceburger

    DIY UV filter?

    i had an idea, i was looking around in my closet the other day and i came across two blacklight fixtures with the lights, well i started thinking and i thought and thought...could i construct a UV filter out of these? my thoughts were to have a large PVC pipe and reflectorize the inside with...
  6. iceburger

    sump and fuge -- help please

    heres what i did...i went out and bought a large 40 gallon rubbermade container, then i put a ten gallon turtle tank inside the container, i elevated the ten gallon with 4 PVC pipes on each with the container and the tank in the middle you have the base for a sump/ the...
  7. iceburger

    13w red bulb?

    use the red bulb...lets your little critters sleep...they cannot see the red spectrum...but we can, to a certain degree, so i'd go with the red one IMO...
  8. iceburger

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    cmon man...i just ate... ;) :D :p anyway...did anyone watch the implosion of cinergy feild sunday morning??? it was great...
  9. iceburger

    Water In Quarantine Tank Looks Like Lemon Lime Gatorade

    hmmmmm try testing for phosphates... or do a small waterchange around 10-20% maybe see if that'll take the color away and see if it comes back... how long has it been like that?
  10. iceburger

    Black Mollies

    i always thought it would be a little different to have a mass of fancy guppies in the display tank.... :p
  11. iceburger

    T5 lights.

    I've never heard about T5 you have a picture?
  12. iceburger

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Merry New
  13. iceburger

    Water In Quarantine Tank Looks Like Lemon Lime Gatorade

    could you give the water params.... the equiptment you have running on it and all the livestock... my guess is it is some sort of diatomic bloom in the water...
  14. iceburger

    damn damsel @#%

    took a coral beauty out by draining all the water into buckets, picked him up off the sand (he was flapping around) and quickly put the water back, corals were fine. scary though! Not reccomended.... ;)
  15. iceburger

    Last Time??

    I like the look of VHO better than the PC but the PC will give you more bang for you buck.......but the whole point of this hobby is to keep the critters happy while giving you some "eye candy" maybe get 2 VHO and 2 PC? :p anyway, cant lose either way you go...
  16. iceburger

    are manderins tough?

    skip the caulerpa, just add a bunch of LR and then let it mature for awhile, or if you have a refugium introduce them into that if you already dont have them...a good rule of thumb is 100 lbs of LR per manderin...but make sure you have pods on the LR or it'll defeat the purpose...
  17. iceburger

    More Fish-Only Eye Candy......

    eh, i shoulda known, but i guess for 2 grand the d100 should turn my car on in the morning too...
  18. iceburger

    Goby keepers- is there a chance?

    I've gone months without seeing my yellow watchman, they're really good at hide'n seek;) :p
  19. iceburger

    More Fish-Only Eye Candy......

    did you take the long exposure with the d100 or a 35mm?
  20. iceburger

    My Sump/Refugium Design ->

    just make sure that the glass is not'll shatter if you try to drill tempered glass