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  1. firefish3


    the cd is entitled Maximum Evanescence: The Unauthorized Biography of Evanescence. Reef_Magic, my name is not addy, gosh I'm guy. Wow is it my user anme or something?
  2. firefish3

    firefish goby questions

    save the firefish for another tank
  3. firefish3

    interesting goby question

    You can probably tell from my user name that I love gobies. But I would not try that many gobies in the tank. It would probably work but I am one of those people who are safe, not sorry. the naso tang is a good fish if your tank is big enough. I love tangs too. Hope this helps.
  4. firefish3


    Evanescence has a new CD after Fallen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Email me if you are interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. firefish3

    starting one

    lionfish, triggers and puffers are generally compatible with eachother. Though ask lionfish28 I heard he had puffer versus lionfish trouble. you could start a new tank. In the wild baby puffers will bother adult lionfish but the make a nice mix for the looks, also in a community tank never put a...
  6. firefish3

    stocking a 55 gal. tank

    I wouldnt put in more than a couple gobies. and neon gobies are constantly getting cought in filters and alike. try either two firefish or two purple firefish I wouldnt suggest mixing also I agree drop the butterfly and one pair on clowns. also many people have had problems with clownfish...
  7. firefish3

    firefish goby questions

    Dont put a firefish in your tank he will almost definitely be eaten. Waste of money and my favorite fish.
  8. firefish3

    New Tank Suggestions

    I have decided that gobies are the best fish for begginers because they are cheap and easy. Stay away from damsels though they are cheap, they are aggresive. I also am a begginer but I reseach everything so good luck
  9. firefish3

    starting one

    Since you have a clownfish (what type of clownfish?) I wouldn't start an aggresive setup because triggers, anglers, and lionfish generally dont get along. Though I would still ask someone who has a clownfish in an aggresive setup. my opinion is solely off research. The one thing you could...
  10. firefish3

    aggresive tank setup

    new line up 1 niger trigger 1 radiata lion 1 hawaiian blue puffer 1 yellow tang
  11. firefish3

    aggressive compatibility??

    oh and if you get a trigger, get the niger trigger I wouldnt put in any fish with a clown trigger
  12. firefish3

    aggresive tank setup

    I am planning a tank with the following fish. 1 radiata lionfish 1 humuhumu triggerfish 1 hawaiian blue spotted puffer 1 sohal tang In a 125 gallon tank with 45 pounds of live rock and two inches of live sand. will this work? will the fish eat clams?
  13. firefish3

    how does this sound

    I wouldnt add anthing to that tank
  14. firefish3

    Fish Compatiblitlity

    everything would work except the foxface. if you already have the hippo try to avoid putting anymore tangs in you tank. Also if your coral beauty is a dwarf dont put in the lion. You could put in an eel or a grouper.
  15. firefish3

    Putting them together??

    It could work depending on how big the fish are. if you have a big enough tank the fish you have chosen are usually compatible
  16. firefish3

    Will a moonlight bother eels?

    was that supposed to be a joke
  17. firefish3

    Will a moonlight bother eels?

    most likely eels are generally not compatible with eachother
  18. firefish3

    aggressive compatibility??

    Triggers are generally not compatible with butterflies or angels. Puffers with either butterflies or angels is generally a compatible mix.
  19. firefish3

    my fish

    I have decided not to get the noen gobies. I found a "compatibility chart" of saltwater fish and it said the gobies are not generally compatible with other gobies. Any suggestions. Also in teh very far future I would like to have a tank with 1 radiata lionfish 1 humuhumu triggerfish, 1 hawaiian...
  20. firefish3

    my fish

    The margurite snail sounds cool. Thanks.