Search results

  1. shoreliner11

    Which Gobey is your favorite and why?

    Well I'd have to say the Yellow watchman goby. I'm partial to them because I have one and he was my first fish. Had him for 2.5 years now and he's doing great. Very hardy and still a lot of personality. If you're looking for a tank favorite I'd look at maybe a hawkfish. My longnose has the most...
  2. shoreliner11

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    Found this on another site which I can't post being sold as a lemnalia. I'd say the pics are a match but not 100% sure of the id. Probably the closest yet though hmm. Aaron
  3. shoreliner11

    "Holding your fish,

    All in all its not a bad thing for your fish. You should wash your hands before they go in the tank anyhow just to be safe. :yes: Aaron
  4. shoreliner11

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    Actually, just occured to me. It actually looks like a neospongodes sp.. Very similar in appearance to dendronephthya but the coloration of neospongodes is very similar to the pictures shown. Do a search and let us know. Here's a pic from garf.
  5. shoreliner11

    my first 6 pack

    very cool reef you have there. You should be proud :)
  6. shoreliner11

    Think this is really an alcyonium?

    Looks like a dendronephthya sp. to me as well. If I were you I'd bring it back if the lfs will take it. Even the most dedicated of species tanks still have trouble keeping these corals. Aaron
  7. shoreliner11

    Progression of my 10

    Its come along way. If you don't mind I'd like to share my 10gal as well. The aquascaping challenges in a 10gal make each tank so different imo.
  8. shoreliner11

    Solid White Zoos

    HMMM. Very unique but I'm curious after they're in your tank a while if they'll turn a little shade of brown. Keep us posted. Aaron
  9. shoreliner11


    Can you get a long airline hose attached to a syringe back there? Thats what I use trying to feed hard to reach corals/inverts. Aaron
  10. shoreliner11

    Gorgonian questions

    Now by red finger I think you mean Diodogorgia Nodulifera (sp?). This would be a bad choice as those who have species tanks have trouble keeping them due to their feeding needs. The purple bush could be a number of different gorgonians. Often times the purple gorgonians are photosynthetic which...
  11. shoreliner11

    Is Green Lace Gorgonian Dead?

    Shawnts- there is research being done on gut analysis. The only thing is that this is so species specific it doesn't always relate to the particular species we are talking about. I advise to use Provides some great info. Unfortunately unless you are a marine biologist very...
  12. shoreliner11

    Is Green Lace Gorgonian Dead?

    One more thing. It might be best to frag the gorgonian. Many times once recession has started if you cut off the receding part it will stop the issue. This depends on what the reason for its demise is but looking at the coral it doesn't have the best outlook anyhow. Aaron
  13. shoreliner11

    Is Green Lace Gorgonian Dead?

    First of all spa is right in that its a green lace gorgonian and not a deep sea yellow gorgonian. As bang said they are a predatory gorgnian. If you look at the polyp structure and sheer size it is unlikely that phytoplankton makes up much of their diet. The presence of nematocysts in their...
  14. shoreliner11

    How do I KILL this stuff???????

    Are you using RODI water? Whats your bioload in the tank? Filtration? All of these things IMO are the root of the cause of the algae. A longer lighting schedule may enhance this but the nutrients have to come from somewhere. When was the last time a water change was done? Aaron
  15. shoreliner11

    GSP mimic anemone

    Looks like a majano to me. You can let it grow but be aware 1 can turn into 20 really quick. One of the prettier nuisance anemones though.
  16. shoreliner11

    SPS nano

    Viper does have a good point. I personally did test quite a bit. I figured out my daily consumption of calcium and alkalinity and dosed accordingly. It is more work to do this but ultimately if you have a high calcium load which eventually will happen with sps if things go well. But if I had a...
  17. shoreliner11

    SPS nano

    As Golfish stated stable water is key. As this is harder to reproduce in a small tank I would suggest an almost daily dosing (or whatever your means of calcium dosing) to keep things stable. For me I dosed c-balance every night. This worked well until I had to leave for a couple days on a trip...
  18. shoreliner11

    SPS nano

    IMO the best way for you to go would be to get a mh pendant. 150 would work great. Now get a small fan to blow across the surface of the water and you shouldn't have much in the way of heat issues. I had this setup on a 20 gal with sps and I never had problems. Calcium consumption does get to be...
  19. shoreliner11

    Acanthastrea Popularity

    Hmmm, my options said I am able to receive emails. not sure whats wrong. Aaron
  20. shoreliner11

    Sponge questions

    Many sponges do not do well in the aquarium. Try to stay away from the red ball sponges, as we don't usually have bacteria/plankton in the water to support their needs. Some sponges however will benefit from light. Many of the blue sponges will benefit from light. Sometimes the best sponges to...