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  1. shoreliner11

    my fathers day gift

    As long as the polyp isn't being blown out of shape it'll be ok. From the pics you showed the flow looks ok just based on how the polyps look. The only thing I would think about is maybe start it on the bottom and then slowly move it up the rockwork until the it gets light acclimated. Good luck...
  2. shoreliner11

    My New M.Danae and Soft Coral. Please Id the soft coral

    Do you know what the soft coral was id's as? It kinda looks like a lemnalia but I'm not sure. Aaron
  3. shoreliner11

    my new lawnmower!

    He's already posing for the camera. Doesn't take lawnmowers long does it.
  4. shoreliner11

    My dream is gone!

    I feel for ya. Can't imagine the feeling of coming home to that. I hope all goes well with the saved livestock. Aaron
  5. shoreliner11

    nano question

    I actually started out with a 20gal but had to downsize because I moved into an apartment. That and I really have no money being a college student so the less money to fill up my tank the better. Aaron
  6. shoreliner11

    A couple new additions

    Prices on some things are a bit high. But they do often have some really nice pieces. They have a lot of sps frags if you're looking for that but one thing I like is how much stuff they bring in. I can't say for sure but they seem to get a shipment in almost every week which is nice if you're...
  7. shoreliner11

    my fathers day gift

    LOL, I didn't even see the skeleton. It looks as though the recession happened some time ago. Probably before purchase I'm guessing. Given ample light and stable water conditions I'm sure it'll grow and thrive for you. Aaron
  8. shoreliner11

    my fathers day gift

    It is farely hardy. What lighting do you have? IMO if you have vho or better it will do fine place pretty much anywhere(given it might need light adapting) but if you have pc I'd say keep it from mid to the top. Hope this helps. Beautiful fox coral too. Aaron
  9. shoreliner11

    Pic of my new nano

    I have always heard that pruning helps but never in the way of pruning. What do you do special?
  10. shoreliner11

    Father's Day Six Pack, all fathers join in with their pics too!!

    Where did you score the M. danae? Great pics by the way.
  11. shoreliner11

    Pic of my new nano

    Great looking tank. The aquascape looks pretty unique. I only hope the caulerpa doesn't go sexual on you. If it wasn't so invasive and had the threat of going sexual I'd put it in my tank for aesthetic purposes any day. Aaron
  12. shoreliner11

    A couple new additions

    Yeah, I actually haven't been too impressed with his stuff lately. I actually got this at blue sierra. I really like the store and they seem to take good care of their corals but I just think this one was neglected and kinda just given up on. Aaron
  13. shoreliner11

    A couple new additions

    Not really sure. I got it from a lfs for really cheap. They had it in a lot of flow to try and blow off the cyano on it. Well, ime a lot of flow can be just as bad as cyano for a bubble coral. I had some luck in the past with saving a bubble coral so hopefully this one will got well. I don't...
  14. shoreliner11

    A couple new additions

    And here's a small bubble I'm hoping to save.
  15. shoreliner11

    A couple new additions

    Here are some pics of some new additions to my 10gal. Hope you like. Aaron
  16. shoreliner11

    A very sad two weeks

    Kinda sucks that things like this have to happen. But at least your next inhabitants will most likely not meet the same fate as your carpet surfers. Good luck with the repopulation. Aaron
  17. shoreliner11

    10 gallon sump

    Fishieness' is right about the baffles. To determine the measurements for the tank I simply measure my return pump and then measured out everything else to my liking. In my tank there are 1 inch spacing between the glass pains. This should be ample room for whatever pump you'd want to put in...
  18. shoreliner11

    Thinking of switching

    The depth of the aquafuge is 4.5in.
  19. shoreliner11

    Thinking of switching

    IMO in a 10 gal if you have a refugium and do water changes you'll be fine. I like the fact of not having to worry about turning of my skimmer when I feed the tank with phyto or rotifers. I have the 19" cpr aquafuge (the one without the skimmer) on the back of mine and I really am enjoying the...
  20. shoreliner11

    10 gallon sump

    Mine cost me $40 total including the tank and glass I had cut. You might be able to cut some $ off by switching to acrylic but I'm not sure. Here's a diagram of my tank and the baffles I made. These are not completely to scale...just a rough diagram. If you need any explanations of why I have...