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  1. austin

    HELP with cycling!

    dont worry just let everything do what it does... make to ghost feed every few days.. but for mine i just let the tank sit for a month cycling
  2. austin

    bristle worms

    i know that they are excellent scavengers when they are young but once they start to get really big they feed on corals, clams, anems, and anything else i did get a CBS and a sixline because i know they have an appetite for bristle worms
  3. austin

    Feeding Corals

    softies will eat food that is floating around in your tank like left over mysis but its best to feed them DT's live marine phytoplankton
  4. austin

    Colors of live rock??

    yeah you will sart to notice it alot soon. i got my lights on christmas and now my skimmer intake and my power heads + several rocks are covered in coraline
  5. austin

    bristle worms

    ok i just noticed yesterday i had a bristle worm problem what can i get to eat those things they damaged my LTA i want revenge....... the guy at the lfs suggested a CBS would that work
  6. austin

    Austin's 29g tank diary

    ok yesterday i got 2 things of green zoos 1 thing of orange zoos 4 blue mushrooms 3 ricordeas ill put some pics up in a min
  7. austin

    show those clowns

    chloe and madd dogg
  8. austin

    ok... worst gifts...

    i got a grooming kit from my mom im pretty sure it was one of those "im trying to drop a hint by getting you this" gifts. since she is always saying i look like a bum
  9. austin

    Do inverts contract ich?

    ich is a fish only disease
  10. austin

    Austin's 29g tank diary

    jacques the cleaner shrimp mr crabbs the strawberry crab mr gramma decided to show up for one pic moon light
  11. austin


    i have tried and i got in to ap classes to get educated
  12. austin


    i cant spell or use correct grammar public schools where i go suck
  13. austin

    lighting schedule

    when do you turn what lights on? like the main day light and the blue light and the led light?
  14. austin

    Image ???????
  15. austin

    Austin's 29g tank diary

    very nice
  16. austin

    Austin's 29g tank diary

    how many zoas and shooms could i get with 450 dollars?
  17. austin

    Image ???????

    no problem
  18. austin

    Image ???????

    well if your talking about putting pics on here you go to photo bucket (make an account if you dont already have one) then you click browse and select the pic you want then upload it after its done uploading there should be like some mumbo jumbo below the picture you wanna copy the one that...
  19. austin

    Austin's 29g tank diary

    also i have not named my clowns any suggestions silly names are the best
  20. austin

    Obama and Oprah...

    im from texas i need guns