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  1. detane

    Silicone WARS

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 %%I am confused. About dancing cats??? LOL
  2. detane

    Silicone WARS

    FOR YEARS AND YEARS, reefers go to war in regards to what Silicone is the best to use for repairing and constructing new aquariums and sumps. Today I went ahead and called some of the worlds best AQUARIUM Keepers, and I contacted the two LEADING silicone companies. ( MOMENTIVE and DOW CORNING)...
  3. detane

    in over my head with new elos 215 gallon setup

    Where Are The Pics?? Is This Is False Thread..????
  4. detane

    in over my head with new elos 215 gallon setup

    Where Are The Pics?? Is This Is False Thread..????
  5. detane

    EPCOT CENTER Calcium 750 ppm

    Originally Posted by loopy101 I have a question and please correct me if i am wrong!!! but with the calcium so high would that through off ballence the rest of the chemicals?? and make it a real pain in the rear to keep everything in balence? Thats what I thought At first, but everything seems...
  6. detane

    EPCOT CENTER Calcium 750 ppm

    This information came about when I mistakingly peeked my calcium to 700 and noticed super growth in my 180 gallon tank. I called around and asked all the LFS in the Los Angeles area why things were growing, when I was told that levels that high would kill my corals. I then got curiouse and...
  7. detane

    TANG: Yes or NO

    To ich or not to ich (ICK), that is the question. What are your views on Tangs in a reef tank? will they infect and kill everything with their ich? What size tank is best to house the Tang? Q.T. how many weeks fore placing in D.T. (display tank).
  8. detane

    Another Tank Build...?

    whats your calcium level? I keep gettig mixed responces from hobbiest. It appears you have great levels...
  9. detane

    calcium dosing

    Originally Posted by sbaumann14 try doing a 30 percent water change yup!! And only use Kalk and Calcium to raise your ph and calcium.
  10. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by scottallert this looks hot id get a school of chromies like 4-5 thanks..
  11. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

  12. detane

    Should I redo my rockscape?

    You Need More Rock..
  13. detane

    Tang Experiences Needed

    I heard tangs introduce Ich to a tank so i have stayed away from them untill I get better information
  14. detane

    ever dreamed your reef tank breaks?

    was the glass tempered? I have had that dream a few times, its there to let you know you worry about your tank to much.
  15. detane

    4.7 Earthquake in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA

    EARTHQUAKES can be funny at times but not if its a 6+. I had some coral frags fall off,lol
  16. detane

    4.7 Earthquake in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA

    Originally Posted by Oceansidefish Honestly my 120 is not braced....If I was going to though I would use earthquake straps at the top of the stand to hold it to the house....I don't think there is any way to strap the tank itself. Since it's 2ft deep though as long as the stand stays the tank...
  17. detane

    4.7 Earthquake in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA

    I would hate to see all of this on the floor due t an Earthquake.
  18. detane

    4.7 Earthquake in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA

    This went from being an Earthquake topic to a whos got the best Live stock available. The fact is California has one of the worlds biggest ports, so it might have the best live stock coming in from around the world at a better price. But on the Earthquake, how can one secure thier tank? Do u...
  19. detane

    4.7 Earthquake in LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA

    Dayum.. First thing I did was run to my tank.LOL
  20. detane

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper I heard that dosing lots of Kalk at once can be deadly. Your best bet would be a auto top off. If you can't afford one, you can make a DIY one. anything overdosed can kill. you drip dose it into your sump. Phos reactors are a waste of money and a huge...