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  1. detane

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

  2. detane

    Q: Best Way To Catch An Angel

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...looks like you got everybody... LOL.. Yup.. They fell for the trap. HahhahahahA <---(EVIL LAUGH)...
  3. detane

    Q: Best Way To Catch An Angel

    A: Make a fish trap out of acrylic, add some food, and BAM!! CASE CLOSED.
  4. detane

    would you get a 1600 gallon tank for free?

    Originally Posted by bullitr aQuarium of the pacific have 6" thick glass IF YOU GET IT.. YOU SHOULD HAVE A SCUBA PARTY IN YOUR TANK.. THAT WOULD BE COOL.
  5. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by Sir Mixxalot Here is my baby girl. She is a Big body, thick muscle all throughout Attachment 226535 what do ya think? Nice.. Where abouts are you located??
  6. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    NICE looking lady..
  7. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by Sir Mixxalot whats up buddy? nice BLUE! i have acutally been looking for a blue stud that does not have that short stubby body look. Where do you live? Nice tank BTW stuff is look good my man! IM IN TARZANA CA. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. IM LOOKING FOR A FEMALE TO BREED MY STUD...
  8. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 Does everyone have a pit on this website? DOGS, FISH, CARS, AND MNEY.LOL
  9. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by Life~Reefer Grow as big? I thought the regular foxface had a tendency to nip hard and soft corals. All fish have a tendency to nip hard and soft corals. Its a 50/50 shot. Some are just more common to do so. So far every fox face I have owned has been ok.
  10. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by meowzer NICE...are those fans the photosynthetic ones? or do you have to feed them? I have to feed them. But they're worth the extra work. I keep them by the power heads so they get good flow..
  11. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by Life~Reefer Wow. I have never seen one like that. Could you pm me where you got it or where you can get it? Or did you get it from the LFS? I just want to get some facts about them. My LFS has them from time to time. They are reef safe and same as the blk/yellow/wht fox...
  12. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 Looks good. Is that just a plain yellow rabbit fish in one of those pictures? YUP, just plain yellow. When he hides he turns a zebra (wht/blk) stripes.
  13. detane

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    Here are some updates to the tank. Bubble coral, 2 sea fans, Zoas, H-Shrooms, Toadstools, Leathers, etc... LOOK.
  14. detane

    Lakers Are Champs! Im Buying Corals

    can we trade some frags? I have a lot of ZOAS SHRooms..
  15. detane

    Lakers Are Champs! Im Buying Corals

    Originally Posted by bullitr i have purple montipora and bright yellow polyps. i also need to trim some of my lps ,blue, green purple mushrooms and some zoa because i am starting to slowly convert my tank to sps i need the room Do u have a Craigslist ad up?? Im looking for some purple...
  16. detane

    Iphones Apps and Neptune Systems AquaController 3, 3pro, and Apex

    I placed my pre-order for the apex also..
  17. detane

    Iphones Apps and Neptune Systems AquaController 3, 3pro, and Apex

    Originally Posted by cablebox615 I use my phone more for business and music in my car than anything. At the app store they have a Calculus app that I plan on getting for next fall. I think they also have a biology app. Yeah the blackberry storm is a cool phone. The flash is very bright...
  18. detane

    Lakers Are Champs! Im Buying Corals

    TO CELEBRATE!! Im buying some yellow and purple corals. ZOAS, shroom, FISH...
  19. detane

    Anyone have Aiptasia?

  20. detane

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

    wish I had a tank like that..