they will multiply, most commonly the foot will spread and new ones will pop up when they spread. can u post pics :) long have they been in your tank?
Originally Posted by mantisman51
I bought 5 of them in August for the same reason. All five were empty shells within a month. So, I went to the "auction" site and bought 200 blue and scarlet hermits and 20 turbos for $40. Now, the LR and DSB NEVER have algae. The lawnmower blenny has to suffice...
Originally Posted by Drakken
Thanks! I'm using a Koriala 4 and the sump has a Magdrive 7. Sump gph is around 500.
so you only have 1700 gph in the tank and you have those corals? i thought you needed more but that is the gph in my tank also and i only have soft corals. so im guessing now...
nice tank! i have a 110 gallon and wanted to upgrade to the koriala pumps. i was just wondering what size yours was and is that the only circulation you have besides the sump? how much gph is your sump?
i have some really nice xenia in my tank ...not sure if it is pulsing. i would be really happy to trade :) im the one that lives in williamsburg. im good at fragging my xenia so i can give u a nice frag :)...or piece that was fragged 6 months ago.
i live in williamsburg virginia and i want some of that stuff! what is the name of the fish store that is selling all that for sooooo cheap...and do you know when the sale ends?
i have xenia, mushrooms, finger leather, nepfea...something like that, and zoos. I have t5 lighting, should i be adding a supplement? if so, what kind?