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  1. reefboy1994

    Complete Tank Build for 75 g, sump, refugium, & side cabinet

    amazing!I am sooooooo jealouse!
  2. reefboy1994

    pics of 72 bow

    very nice!!! what are those big muhrooms! i want some...and how old are they? the ones on the left
  3. reefboy1994

    Do mushrooms multiply?

    they will multiply, most commonly the foot will spread and new ones will pop up when they spread. can u post pics :) long have they been in your tank?
  4. reefboy1994

    Kenya tree

    wait! your lights are on for 17 hrs.? my lights are on for 9 hours and i have alae problems!
  5. reefboy1994

    Glue or Rubber Band???

    Originally Posted by jackri They are tough to glue... personally I'd try the rubber band or toothpick if you can. +1
  6. reefboy1994

    What's coming out of my fs???

    hes goin #2
  7. reefboy1994

    Can anyone identify this?

    i have them in my tank and i enjoy them
  8. reefboy1994

    75 Gallon Update, New Pics

    the zoos are amazing! i want some sooo bad with those colors :)
  9. reefboy1994

    my temp keeps changing. help

    the heater may be too samll. how big is your tank and how many watts is your heater?
  10. reefboy1994

    one step forward, two steps back.....

    Originally Posted by mantisman51 I bought 5 of them in August for the same reason. All five were empty shells within a month. So, I went to the "auction" site and bought 200 blue and scarlet hermits and 20 turbos for $40. Now, the LR and DSB NEVER have algae. The lawnmower blenny has to suffice...
  11. reefboy1994

    Upgraded my tank and new Anthias

    sounds like a good idea...i have to save up though :(...everything is so expensive in this hobby
  12. reefboy1994

    Upgraded my tank and new Anthias

    Originally Posted by Drakken Thanks! I'm using a Koriala 4 and the sump has a Magdrive 7. Sump gph is around 500. so you only have 1700 gph in the tank and you have those corals? i thought you needed more but that is the gph in my tank also and i only have soft corals. so im guessing now...
  13. reefboy1994

    Upgraded my tank and new Anthias

    nice tank! i have a 110 gallon and wanted to upgrade to the koriala pumps. i was just wondering what size yours was and is that the only circulation you have besides the sump? how much gph is your sump?
  14. reefboy1994

    so this a good deal for $150

    i have some really nice xenia in my tank ...not sure if it is pulsing. i would be really happy to trade :) im the one that lives in williamsburg. im good at fragging my xenia so i can give u a nice frag :)...or piece that was fragged 6 months ago.
  15. reefboy1994

    so this a good deal for $150

    i live in williamsburg virginia and i want some of that stuff! what is the name of the fish store that is selling all that for sooooo cheap...and do you know when the sale ends?
  16. reefboy1994

    how many of you feed polyps?

    i squirt mine with brine shrimp from a turkey baster 1-2 times a week
  17. reefboy1994

    is my tang blind in one eye?

    on one of my tangs eyes, it is cloudy, and the other is clear and brown.
  18. reefboy1994

    supplement for soft corals?

    i have xenia, mushrooms, finger leather, nepfea...something like that, and zoos. I have t5 lighting, should i be adding a supplement? if so, what kind?
  19. reefboy1994

    how long do i leave in algae sheet???

    he eats most of it but there is some left where the clip is clipping it. do algae sheets add to phosphates???
  20. reefboy1994

    whats a good camera for my tank?

    those are amazing pics!