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  1. dual45s

    New Gun!!!!!

    You're not going to be able to legally get ahold of anything automatic without a Class 3 license. Reading what you have to go through to get one (not to mention what you have to spend), I'd say it's not even worth it. Glock has a full-auto pistol, Beretta has one...ummm at any rate, probably...
  2. dual45s

    New Gun!!!!!

    Dude, I can imagine, I've been drawing "THE WORST BLIZZARD EVER" graphics all day. You're pretty much right in it.
  3. dual45s

    New Gun!!!!!

    No, the MK23 is the pistol designed for the military by H&K for spec. ops teams. Raging Bull comes in several calibers, from a .41 Mag all the way up to the .500 Mag. No thank you to that. I'm not a huge guy and don't think that would work well for me. Jmick- I know several guys that have...
  4. dual45s

    New Gun!!!!!

    Personally I'm not a fan of Glocks, but that's just me. Pretty much every gun maker is going to have something chambered in .45. H&K's are pricey, but if I could afford one, I would have had one already. A USP Tactical in .45 will run you $1,115 new. I've got the catalog here, how much of a...
  5. dual45s

    New Gun!!!!!

    The semi- action coupled with the giant slide of the desert eagle take a huge chunk of the recoil off. I was fortunate enough to play with one for a bit of an afternoon. They are so cool in the movies, but that's pretty disillusioning. It's absolutely gigantic, so if your friend has smallish...
  6. dual45s

    Pictures of my 210

    Gorgeous! I think you missed an E in there Surfin'
  7. dual45s

    Ugliest Aquarium Contest - Win $100 order

    Too bad it's saltwater only. I'd have something for you guys.
  8. dual45s

    Tesselata Eel species Tank

    Plus that's probably the last thing you need to be doing, teetering precariously with an arm in a tank with a 5 foot tess.
  9. dual45s

    Video card

    I've always had great success with ATI Radeons.
  10. dual45s

    Dr. 90210

    Parents need to be parents and not "bestest" friends. It must be the sexist cynic in me, but I'm guessing the 16 year-old's father isn't in the picture.
  11. dual45s

    Video Games Anybody?

    Originally Posted by shogun323 Anyone remember Spy Hunter from Calico? Or Rad Racer and Marble Madness from the original Nintendo? Old School, huh? Awesome. To that I submit: Jackal and Snake Rattle 'N Roll. There's so many more but those were the bane of my existence.
  12. dual45s

    Loop-D-Loop RAY Video

    Wow! Definately helps move rays even higher on the list.
  13. dual45s

    its definatly winter in seattle

    Yeah, I work for AccuWeather, so not to discourage anyone, but this is what I drew this morning.
  14. dual45s

    diy acrylic overflow on glass?

    Thanks a ton, now if only I made decent money off of it. HA!
  15. dual45s

    diy acrylic overflow on glass?

    Originally Posted by sleasia Dual 45 s lets see pics of that artwork you do.......pretty please. Sure thing! I'll leave them in website form so as to not clutter up your thread. Some random college projects:
  16. dual45s

    I hit a deer and got 5 gal of stinky saltwater on me

    I absolutely agree with you, but until I get my human tag, there's not much else I can do. If you've read Rainbow Six and can somewhat side with the bad guys, you and I are on the same page. I know it's absolutely man's fault. Given the current situation, however, herd control is the best...
  17. dual45s

    90 Gallon Beautiful FS in PA

    Congrats! I hate to let this deal go, but I just don't feel confident in my saltwater knowledge yet. Maybe in a while when the new wife and I sort of this "buying a house" business. Good luck with the little one!
  18. dual45s

    I hit a deer and got 5 gal of stinky saltwater on me

    I think so, definitely in Wisconsin there's a problem with overpopulation and alot of deer deaths due to starvation. Without hunting, I have no idea how terrible it would be.
  19. dual45s

    Video Games Anybody?

    Originally Posted by DeMartini FEAR was awesome! I never played it, but i watched my bf play. It's just like a movie! Yeah, I played alone in the dark alot. Shudder. Scariest part was that for some reason my cell phone causes my computer monitor/speakers to freak out when it switches towers...
  20. dual45s

    FW tank plant question.

    Good call. Still looking for suggestions on other fish though... I've got no ideas. Somthing that can stand up to a [hr] of a 3" rainbow shark.