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  1. dual45s

    Baracuda :)

    I made the distinct mistake of wearing the shiny bracelet my (now) wife had gotten for me. I'm sure it was just curious and I was pretty stoked to see one, but then it got inside of 7 feet from me and I started to wig out a little. It never darted, but it got even closer, so I swiped at it...
  2. dual45s

    Baracuda :)

    I'll definitely admit it's a cool vid, but barracudas are the epitome of the rush predator. Basically a torpedo with teeth, and they're not too adept at stopping. I just worry that even at his current size he'll smash face-first into the glass. I have a history with a barracuda (and the scars...
  3. dual45s

    REMINDER Huge Tank Sale This Weekend

    Ooo, sweet! Thanks.
  4. dual45s

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Wow, that makes me feel old. Does the title Knight Rider mean anything to you?
  5. dual45s

    Can someone help with photo shop?

    Ha, nevermind. Sounds beautiful, but a ways out of my area.
  6. dual45s

    Opening weekend is almost here!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm glad you guys are considerate, I can't tell you how many times I've run across that pile of goodies on a trail. Ridiculous.
  7. dual45s

    Can someone help with photo shop?

    Whereabouts are you Biggredd? My wife and I are looking for houses currently.
  8. dual45s

    FW tank plant question.

    Ok, here we go. Nosferatu (pleco) pretty much sticks to a large rock, I've never seen him on a plant. Doesn't mean he isn't, but just not while I'm around. Love to hear that news about the RO, it was getting to be a pain in the...uh...wallet? I've been pruning the dead/severely dying stuff...
  9. dual45s

    computer games

    How old is the computer and what game are you trying to run? It's probably a combination of things. This is a great site for 1. figuring out what kind of system you have and 2. determining if you can run a certain game.
  10. dual45s

    Pics of my 560

    whistle Simply amazing. I can only hope someday to have enough expendable cash to do something like that.
  11. dual45s

    My new Mandarin Dragonet!!!

    Never ceases to amaze me how colorful these fish are. Can these guys handle themselves in an aggressive setup?
  12. dual45s

    Live sand question ???

    I got the impression he already had it in the tank. Feel free to correct me, I'm pretty tired.
  13. dual45s

    what is this blue disklike thing on a stem growing on my LR?

    If cigar bands are any indication, I believe it's a boy. HA!
  14. dual45s

    Baracuda :)

    I hope you have an ocean sized tank to put it in.
  15. dual45s

    Opening weekend is almost here!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Nice pics.... Anyone here a fan of 30-06's I run a 30 ought 6. Sadly, since moving and not knowing anyone around that even owns a gun, I don't think I'll be hunting ANYTHING anytime soon. Even more sad is that my rich uncle does all the sweet Wyoming elk hunts...
  16. dual45s

    FW tank plant question.

    I take it that fish respiration isn't sufficient for CO2. Do I need something specific for CO2, or does a simple pump/airstone do the trick? Like I said I'm pretty sure that sunlight is enough, it's in my living room which has essentially windows for a wall.
  17. dual45s

    FW tank plant question.

    I've been enjoying my 20 gallon tropical tank for about 8 months now. The (now) wife got me an all-included type setup for a gift. I've been using a HOB Whisper activated carbon filter. I've only lost 2 fish, one due to an a-hole of a rainbow shark and one from an apparent suicide (that was...
  18. dual45s

    New 29gl (pics)

    Fantastic colors!
  19. dual45s

    What do Victoria's Secret and frogspawn have in common?

    Well done sir! I've been married for about 3 weeks now, and when I came home and made dinner, then proceeded to doze off afterwards, got yelled at. So thanks for rubbing it in. ;)
  20. dual45s

    Some trippin videos of some mantises.

    Holy crap. Thanks for the links, Reef Diver. Since I haven't even started this hobby I've only heard little bits here and there about the fury of a mantis. Now I can see they're not overstating anything. Can these things really bust through tank glass?