Search results

  1. wbilton

    do urchins molt?

    Does anybody know what that is? I have the same problem and there is no hair algae.
  2. wbilton

    fathers day gift

    I see your into nascar,if he how about tickets to Louden.
  3. wbilton

    Democrat or Republican?

    This is the reason why I don't discuss Religon or Politics.
  4. wbilton

    First pics of recessed tank.

    There is a great store in NE Philly called the Hidden Reef.
  5. wbilton

    OMG what a deal for some one

    You should post this in the classified forum.
  6. wbilton

    Favorite movies

    Space Balls
  7. wbilton

    what kind of beer do you like?

    Samuel Swith Pale Ale Flying Fish, brewed in Cherry Hill, N.J
  8. wbilton

    please help

    You should post this in the disease forum, you might a answer a little quicker, sorry I can't help.
  9. wbilton

    Shipping from

    Amonia and nitriyes should be 0, you can do a search on cycling and it will answer any questions you have.
  10. wbilton

    Shipping from

    its called diatoms, its normal, it will go away by itself btu if you want you can clean the the glass, and use a turkey baster to blow off the rocks. and no your tank has not cycled yet. do you have a test kit?
  11. wbilton

    Day 29 of Cycle--Red Stuff??

    Yhat's the one I bought a few weeks ago, I havn't hook it up yet Room is under constuction) so please tell me it's agood one.
  12. wbilton

    Shipping from

    If your tank is not done cycling don't add anything.
  13. wbilton

    sand question

    South Down Carribean play sand, made by old Castle its about $6.00 for a 50 lb bag.
  14. wbilton

    Shipping from

    Probably not, I've ordered stuff on Wednesday before, they didn't ship until the next Monday. Why do NEED them by Friday?
  15. wbilton

    changing from cc

    What did you do with your fish?
  16. wbilton

    changing from cc

    Well its done I took my fish out I have them in 5 gal buckets the tank is so cloudy now you can't see anything, I have my filter running and have been cleaning the pads every 30 minutes, its not helping much, when will it be safe to put the fish back in the tank?
  17. wbilton

    What brands of play sand for tank?

    if its silica free, if it foams when you add vinegar you can use it.
  18. wbilton

    changing from cc

    I have removing my cc a little at a time over the past week, I'm about to add the sand. My question is can I put my lr in a cooler with salt water until the sand settles?
  19. wbilton

    What brands of play sand for tank?

    south down carribean sand.
  20. wbilton

    salt mix

    most salt removes chlorine instantly. it should say it on the package.