Search results

  1. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    Bluefield, WV..... I mean they get decent fish and things, they're just absolute idiots. LOL. Or assume that I am, one or the other (They've stopped giving me so much misinformation since I've started combating them on it.). I kind of think it's one of those shops that as long as they're making...
  2. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    It looks like I'm kind of by myself in the saltwater hobby around here. LOL. There's not a lot of good sources, or stores in the area. They can get the fish, but as far as telling you how to care for them they are laughable. I was suggested to put a pack of four or five clownfish in my tank at...
  3. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    Well thank you anyway, Flower. I appreciate the response. I've got several "critters" in my tank too but I think I need to add more! :) I've got twenty one blue legged hermits and I'm guessing between five and seven nassarius snails.. I was thinking of adding maybe three emerald crabs for my CUC...
  4. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    Thanks so much for all the kind words! I'll look into the corals once I have my live rock built up a bit more toward the top, until then I'm going to be researching the ones I can add!
  5. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    Sweatervest, I plan on ordering another powerhead this weekend to help the flow on the left side. It's some sort of fake coral decoration I found at my LFS. I'm not a big fan of putting fake things into my tank (already removed a fake anemone, my clown turned his nose up at it, just as I'd...
  6. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    Thanks Mr. Limpid, will do. Mine show no interest in anything other than cannibalism. LOL. They love frozen shrimp. I've never seen them go after anything else in the tank.
  7. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    I was thinking that myself, Flower. I've noticed the diatom has cleared up immensely in the area that's targeted more by the powerhead. Note last picture on the right side. I'm going to order another one this weekend. I think it keeps the sand filtered enough to keep it from settling. Weird...
  8. lcaldwell85

    Starting my first setup, please help!

    Aren't a lot of damsels bully prone as well? Especially Electric Blues and the like? That's why I stayed away from them.... I went with the more passive damsel, the chromis......
  9. lcaldwell85

    Pictures, finally

    Okay, so the camera I used isn't the greatest, so please ignore the quality! LOL. Also, the water isn't hazy, as you can note from a side angled shot. When I got too close to the glass the light would glare, creating the haze effect. Please ignore my diatom bloom, it's finally starting to die...
  10. lcaldwell85

    Rust like algae

    Oh wow. That sounds disgusting. LOL. What causes that bloom?
  11. lcaldwell85

    Rust like algae

    Does your water smell like cucumbers? I noticed a very strong scent of cucumbers associated with my diatom bloom. And when I googled the term my water smells like cucumbers I got nothing. LOL. But when I googled Diatom smells like cucumbers, it brought up a page talking about how diatom blooms...
  12. lcaldwell85

    Stocking a 72 gallon Bowfront

    Thanks for all the info! I'm a big fan of the fairy wrasse, beautiful fish! I will google the rest of your suggestions and take them into consideration!
  13. lcaldwell85

    Serpent star - what the heck?

    Thanks Flower, I don't want to provide anyone with misinfo... Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, in our initial conversations, when you said Elkhorn, did you mean WV?
  14. lcaldwell85

    Serpent star - what the heck?

    Isn't it possible that the leg may turn into another star? I think I've read that somewhere. Sounds possible since the other leg is still moving, right?
  15. lcaldwell85

    Slice's 47g Coral Evolution

    Slice, all I can say is wow! I didn't pay any attention to the dates on this thread and thought I would be coming across a popular topic that had been here for a few months maybe,but imagine my surprise when I got to watch your tank grow for over a year! It's a wonderful thread, and your tank is...
  16. lcaldwell85

    Stocking a 72 gallon Bowfront

    Okay, thank you. If you don't mind my asking, I know they say to never mix angels... But how to all these people on youtube have coral beauties mixed with flame angels, and emperors mixed with multiple angels etc.? Is it just that they don't care if they fight, or is the tank large enough to...
  17. lcaldwell85

    Stocking a 72 gallon Bowfront

    I forgot one more thing, which I probably should have mentioned in the very beginning. A friend of mine has given me a couple of rocks fragged full of green star polyps. She was concerned about the coral beauty nipping them at first, but "layla"s left them alone and isn't interested. Are all...
  18. lcaldwell85

    Stocking a 72 gallon Bowfront

    Ooo... I'm really partial to the male leapord wrasse, it's a very pretty fish. I've heard mixed reviews on the mandarin. My LFS I've been going to for over a year now has one in a 55 gal bow front corner tank. But I think he pretty regularly doses his water with copepods and has small rubble...
  19. lcaldwell85

    Stocking a 72 gallon Bowfront

    Hey guys! I'm finally to the point with live rock and base rock that I can continue stocking my tank, and I was hoping for some colorful (I'm going for real rainbows here! ) suggestions. Thus far I have a pair of mated false percula clowns, a single green chromis, and a coral beauty. There's...
  20. lcaldwell85

    Condy Anemone/Watts per Gallon

    Thank you for all the information. Is there a low light or beginner anemone you or anyone could suggest to try? I like the look of Rock Flowers, but I haven't done enough research on them yet. ( I would before I decided to purchase, I know that anemones aren't really something you want to risk...