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  1. jjboods

    What could be so bad...

    I don't think so. The person I bought it from went from a 125 to a 55 and the 55 is in awesome condition. While I was picking it up, he gave me the frogspawn out of the 55. Died 2 days later.
  2. jjboods

    What could be so bad...

    I only have 4 fish in the tank. 2 clowns, a Yellow Tang, and a Kole Tang. I'm assuming the new rock I added caused the recent spike. But before that, I don't think 4 fish would have been causing enough ammonia to kill the last coral I bought. And I also have the issue of the Xenia not...
  3. jjboods

    What could be so bad...

    that it causes corals to die within 48 hours. I have recently added a soft coral and some polyps. The coral died within 2 days, the polyps have survived. Although there has been no growth. I added 3 Xenia over six months ago. All three were surviving until about a month ago when two shrank...
  4. jjboods

    Help! Tank temp 90 degress! Pics included

    I'm not sure why I'm off topic...the problem in the thread is melting corals. And if I'm not mistaken, the thread isn't that old. As far as the tank being deep, a 75 is the same depth as a 55. As for the lights, the instructions say that they should be at least a foot above the tank, but I...
  5. jjboods

    Help! Tank temp 90 degress! Pics included

    Over the past year, I've had algae problems with my tank. I have finally gotten it under control and had planned on starting to put corals in. Last week(Thursday night) I bought another 70ish pounds of LR from another hobbyist. He said it had been in a tank so I don't think there should have...
  6. jjboods

    WTB: Regulator w/Solenoid

    I am looking for a dual gauge regulator with a solenoid. I'd also be interested in a 5 or 10 lb tank if someone had one available. Best price I've found so far is about $145 total for a the reg and tank.
  7. jjboods

    Korallin Calcium Reactor w/regulator & Tank f/s in NJ

    Anything still available? Interested in the regulator.
  8. jjboods

    100 gallon all-glass aquarium.

    Are you sure it's 100 gallons? I just went to the AGA website to check the dimensions and found a 90, 110 extra high, and a 120. I didn't see a 100. Does it have a built in overflow?
  9. jjboods

    Calcium Reactor Co2 Tank

    Why would it cost more in the long run?
  10. jjboods

    Calcium Reactor Co2 Tank

    Other than refill frequency, what reason(s) are there for a 5lb tank vs a 10 or 3.5? Approximately how long would a 5 or 3.5 lb tank last on a 75 gallon tank? Thanks.
  11. jjboods

    Still fighting the hair algae

    I don't run carbon. Just DSB, LR, a fuge, and a sump with a protein skimmer. The daily water changes could help, but when I go back to the normal schedule, I still will not have found the original source of the problem and it may start up again. I appreciate all the input and when I have the...
  12. jjboods

    Still fighting the hair algae

    I have the green hair algae, but I also have this brown, mossy stuff. VERY ugly.
  13. jjboods

    Still fighting the hair algae

    It is ugly and can overrun the tank.
  14. jjboods

    Still fighting the hair algae

    I have a fuge, I have a skimmer, I added an urchin, and I added a phosphate remover in a media bag in the sump. And I use RO/DI water. I am pretty sure the bulbs are contributing to the problem but was also wondering people's opinions on the DSB. The DSB is only 2 years old.
  15. jjboods

    Still fighting the hair algae

    Still haven't changed lightbulbs. I did add a phosphate/silicate remover even though I use RO/DI water. Now I am thinking of dismantling the tank, removing the DSB, going bare bottom, and scrubbing the LR before putting it back. Opinions?
  16. jjboods

    55 Gallon Setup cheap.

    Long gone. Sorry.
  17. jjboods

    Which Water Pump?

    I'm less concerned with noise. More with cost.
  18. jjboods

    Which Water Pump?

    660 is more than I need. 400-500 would be fine. But it sounds like this is a quality pump?
  19. jjboods

    Which Water Pump?

    Actually, the DP 560 or 650 would be fine for what I want. The 560 is 35 watts but would drop to about 300gph at 5 feet. The 650 is 50 watts and would be about 480 gph at 5 feet. And I found them both for between $45 and $50. Are these good pumps for my application? Price is good and power...
  20. jjboods

    Which Water Pump?

    The pump would be in the stand pumping up and over the side of the tank. About 4", maybe 5'. Golfish, what would you recommend?