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  1. jjboods

    Question for Bang Guy

    In this thread... you mention a pressure sensitive valve. What brand is it, where did you get it? Thanks.
  2. jjboods

    Kalkwasser Reactor

    I just don't have the $$ for a CA reactor right now.
  3. jjboods

    Kalkwasser Reactor

    The signature in my -- profile is old. I was reading an article by Randy Holmes-Farley that discussed different methods of Calcium and Alkalinity supplementation. I read it as you could run one of a number of systems. Kalk/limewater being one of them. Maybe I read it wrong? It also stated...
  4. jjboods

    Kalkwasser Reactor

    The cost of the dosing pump makes it close to the cost of a CA reactor. I might just keep using a two part and start mixing them myself.
  5. jjboods

    Kalkwasser Reactor

    Can someone give an explanation of how these are used. I understand what they do and how they work, I am asking how they are installed/integrated into a system. I've read alot about dosing and top off. My tank is not in a location where I can add a source of RO/DI water. Do I need it or does...
  6. jjboods

    55 Gallon Setup cheap.

    Tank, Custom Stand, 48" 40Watt NO Light, Glass Tank tops/Hoods. $150
  7. jjboods

    For Sale in CT Near RI/MA

    I would really like to get this 55 setup sold. Pretty flexible on the price. Any offers?
  8. jjboods

    Algae and Coralvue MH Bulbs

    150 de
  9. jjboods

    Algae and Coralvue MH Bulbs

    I'm in Brooklyn...near the RI/MA borders. Mine are 150W 10000K's. I don't like them and think they are the cause of my algae, but they are only about 3-4 months old. If I sell some of the other stuff I am selling and have the money for new AB's, I'd be willing to sell these if you wanted them.
  10. jjboods

    10000 MHs or 13000's

    As soon as I have a spare $200, I am switching back to AB's. Saving $50 has caused me 6 months of fighting hair algae. You get what you pay for. The CV's are cheap for one reason...they ARE cheap.
  11. jjboods

    Algae and Coralvue MH Bulbs

    No curtains on the window. Probably a few hours of light. But that has never changed, the tank has always been in the same spot. The hair really started when the original bulbs started to get old...about 15 months old. And the new bulbs didn't help. One side started to lose the hair and the...
  12. jjboods

    Corals not opening

    There are supplements you can use or you can use a calcium reactor. I hope you didn't add corals to your tank without researching and knowing that you need to add calcium for them?
  13. jjboods


    GREAT idea! I'll do that tomorrow night.
  14. jjboods

    Corals not opening

    kh and calcium are low. Not sure if that would cause them to not open as much, but they should be higher.
  15. jjboods


    I am really starting to think it's the bulbs...or at least one of them. The one on the right side of the tank isn't as white and that is the side with more algae. Nothing else in the tank is different.
  16. jjboods

    10000 MHs or 13000's

    The guy at my LFS...that I trust...said Coralvues aren't bad, but the quality is inconsistent from bulb to bulb. And I have noticed the the color given by the bulb on the right side of my tank isn't as white and that is the side with more algae. I am starting to think more and more that the...
  17. jjboods


  18. jjboods


    Send me an email.
  19. jjboods

    Algae and Coralvue MH Bulbs

    As many of you know, I am fighting hair algae. I am getting my water tested at the LFS this week. Also thinking that ambiant light from the windows might be a problem. However, the tank has been in the same place since 6/02 so the outdoor light is a longshot. The hair algae started around...
  20. jjboods

    Before and after: coralvue bulbs

    Saltwaterdave, I replaced my Aqualine Bushke's with Coralvues. The bushkes were 1.5 years old and I was getting hair algae. Nothing else in my tank changed, I've started using RODI water and still have the hair algae. Do you think it could be the Coralvues? Did you ever switch yours and what...