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  1. kanicky


    I wouldn't trust most LFS' with info on seahorses... I've read a little on Dwarf Seahorses, and what I've gleaned from my reading is that they require live feeings of BBS (Baby Brine Shrimp) and that the tank they go in has to be practically sterile as far as LR and LS go... If aiptasia/hydroids...
  2. kanicky

    40 gal

    I could totally wreck your idea of an aggressive tank and suggest a seahorse tank I would think that a small Snowflake eel could go in a 40, but I'm not too familiar with eels yet. Why not do a smaller puffer like a Valentini or another Sharpnose variety? Or even a Dwarf Lionfish?
  3. kanicky

    24G aquapod pics

    Originally Posted by Jmick no Soooo helpful there, Jmick Bjoe23, I've seen most people recommend PC's, T-5's, etc. Beautiful ric's, Joncat!
  4. kanicky

    my crabs

    Yes, those are Emerald Crabs. Every Emerald I have seen looks like that...
  5. kanicky

    Puffer fish question

    Nah, don't bother with the bigger puffers in a 55. Go with a Valentini or another Sharpnose puffer. My Valentini is FULL of personality. I love him to pieces
  6. kanicky

    Mystery crab?

    We had a crab hitchiker that we wanted out of the tank, so we watched the tank until we finally caught sight of him, made note of which rock he was on, and then lifted the rock out and down into a bowl of RO water. The crab came tumbling out and voila! It was done. Hopefully you will be able...
  7. kanicky

    What kind of fish is at the beach?

    Originally Posted by raidencmc Wow That was not exactly what I expected. I respect everyone's opinion and am glad that you all have had some input on the post. This is why I came here. And we're glad ya did! Originally Posted by raidencmc I could not imagine there being any safety issues...
  8. kanicky


    A puffer will be perfectly fine with the clownfish and shrimp. I have mine (Valentini) with two Clownfish, a Canary Blenny, Mystery Wrasse, and Pygmy Angelfish, as well as a Coral-Banded Shrimp and a Cleaner Shrimp. The Valentini does not pay any mind to either of the shrimp. They are messy...
  9. kanicky

    Tank mates for a puffer?

    You cycled your tank with an eel?
  10. kanicky

    What Type of Fish Do YOU Think Is the Most Entertaining????

    Originally Posted by psu My valentini puffer by far, what a personality. He only sleeps in 2 place in my 150 and on both places he hangs his little chin over the side like a puppy. +1! Diddy is so full of personality and loves to eat from my hand. He'll follow me across the glass, from end to...
  11. kanicky

    Aquarium Addiction

    Got #7 & 8 down 14. You try and convince your spouse/SO that you will be satisfied with "just ONE more tank."
  12. kanicky

    Just started my first saltwater. couple of questions.

    Eesh... unfortunately, putting sand and rocks from your local beach into your tank was not the best idea. You'd think it wouldn't make a difference, but unfortunately, most of the time when people do that, they introduce harmful parasites and disease into their tank and it's basically doomed...
  13. kanicky

    Mystery ate shrimp!

    We knew the PUFFERS might try it, but never thought the wrasse would... We have some videos of the carnage that I will upload and post tomorrow evening. Looks like our $200.00 dollar fish got a $50.00 dollar dinner-LOL
  14. kanicky

    Mystery ate shrimp!

    Ha, well... expensive lesson learned! Today we bought two cleaner shrimp. We wished we could have bought them months ago, when they were only $12 each, but I guess prices have risen on them, and we got them for $24.99... Anyway, after properly acclimating them, we let them loose in the tank...
  15. kanicky

    New Corals = Stressed Fish?

    Hi all! We added MH's to our tank about a week ago, and decided to add our first corals last night. We went to a meeting of our local "fish society" and a fellow reefer gave us free frags of Pulsating Xenia and SPS. We also bought a bright orange Plate Coral. When we added everything last...
  16. kanicky

    fish i am getting for 55 gal

    Originally Posted by WangoTango This is tank size for juveniles, not adults. Hippos can grow up to a foot long, not suitable for a tank under 5-6 feet. All tangs are active fish and need plenty of space to swim, and turn around. Since they graze CONSTANTLY they need a large supply of liverock...
  17. kanicky

    Lookin for a new fish, Coral Beauty?

    I'd suggest either a Coral Beauty or a Pygmy Angel. They're both beautiful, but the Pygmy isn't as shy as Coral Beauty's seem to be. They can be coral nippers, but I've had my Pygmy for five or so months now with no problems... knock on wood!
  18. kanicky

    And you thought you had a bad tank day!

    I am so, so sorry to hear about the disaster but I am really glad that you're making the best of it. Like someone already said, "I don't want to imagine." Of course your wife hasn't killed you! I'd say that you've been "punished" enough. Wish I was close enough to help... Good luck!
  19. kanicky

    what kind of light that doesnt need a chiller

    We finally switched over to MH's and now run a 240 watt MH bulb and two 20 watt actinics and the temp stays pretty steady during the day at 80-81 degrees. It gets a little warmer at night; about 82.5 degrees. We run two fans across the top of the water that are installed in our canopy, and...
  20. kanicky

    Take the Salt Water Reef Keeping Survey!

    1. What is your first name? Katie 2. Where do you live? Florida 3. How long have you been reef keeping? Since Feb of 2007 4. How much would you guess you've spent on reefkeeping since you began? Over $1,500 for sure. 5. What was the size of your first tank? 50 gallons 6. What is the size of...