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  1. gatorsfan

    What shrimp?

    Is there any kind of shrimp i could add with Valentine Puffer and two damsels in a 20gl?
  2. gatorsfan

    NE 1 KNow anything about satellite dishes

    Well if u have a satelite already in ur house u may be able to have ur satelite company hook u up so u can get channels from there. i no my some of my family members have their satelite hooked up so they can watch macedonian tv. just call satelite companys and ask what they can do for u.
  3. gatorsfan

    space mountain

    yea i was in disney land last march i was bummed that they had Space Mountain closed for the anniversery thing. But ive been to the Space Mountain in Florida and it was a blast! And aslo scary cuz u didnt now where the next turn was or where anything was. One thing they should of done is put...
  4. gatorsfan

    Coral Question

    Is there any corals that should not be around each other? im asking this because i no torch corals could hurt other corals. the corals that i want to get will be kept in a 10 gallon
  5. gatorsfan

    lighting for a 10 gallon

    What kind of lights would i need to use for a 10 gallon that will have corals?
  6. gatorsfan

    Mag-Drive Supreme 2 250 GPH Water Pump

    does anyone have any experience with these pumps? and will it be able to work with a 1'' or 1/2" pvc pipe?
  7. gatorsfan

    amiracle overflow box

    what site can i buy a amiracle overflow box by its self. every site i find it has a wet/dry system with it. any sites would be helpfull.
  8. gatorsfan


    for my refugium i was wondering do i fill it up first then let the water start pumpin through the main tank and the refugium or do i just put sand in and lr in there and let the water from the main tank just flow from there and into the refugium?
  9. gatorsfan

    air pump

    So i finally figured out how to setup my refugium. but i need to no wat air pump is the best and not to expensive. its goin to pump water from a 10 gl to a 20gl
  10. gatorsfan

    Plz help

    o yea one more thing. how do i hook up watever i need to get the water flowing to the pipes.
  11. gatorsfan

    Plz help

    ok i have a few questions on a refugium. this going to be only a refugium tank and not have a sump. 1. how do i get the water flowing from the refugium to the main tank and back? 2. what kind of pipes do i use? this will be for a 20 gallon long. 3. when i install the pipes do i have the return...
  12. gatorsfan

    Refugium pics

    could some one post a pick of there refugium setup. so i can see what mine should look like when im done setting it up. also any refugiums with a rubbermaid container would be nice to see:)
  13. gatorsfan


    this will hopefully be the last question. so can u tell me what i will need to get the water from the fuge to the main tank and back?
  14. gatorsfan

    Anyone Else Getting Dumped ON Today?

    we have over a foot here in michigan. i think theres more on the way. i hope it can hold up till sunday night so they will cancel school on monday
  15. gatorsfan

    Come here if you have an xbox

    right away. i cant wait also for doom 3 to
  16. gatorsfan

    How much invested in ur tank so far ?

    Alot but its worth it. wish i had more money though. then it wouldnt be alot
  17. gatorsfan


    so i could use no lights even if i put a piece of maiden hair in there
  18. gatorsfan


    alright so im starting my (mini) fuge compared to evryone elses on this site and i was wondering if i can use regular gravel instead of cc. im goin to have piece of live rock in there and a maidens hair. and im going to try and breed the pods. hope it works. o yea also could i use just the...
  19. gatorsfan

    maidens hair

    ok well does need alot of light?
  20. gatorsfan

    maidens hair
