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  1. sunburnt

    help me please fish in trouble

    That's awful. Poor little guy! It sounds like he has broken capillaries (like a bruise or a hickey) on his lips... and if that's it, I don't think there's anything you can do... but if he's swimming around and acting normal, then maybe it'll be okay. Good luck!
  2. sunburnt

    Went to the LFS....again

    Those are all gorgeous! Congratulations! I don't even wanna think of the bill for that trip! (At least around here, where even the most ordinary zoas are $50 for about 20 polyps!)
  3. sunburnt

    Monster Morays!!!!!!!!!!!

    DeadSea- We can only view the thumbnails without registering at the site... eee... It looks like you have a green in a 65g... and an Undie and a Titan in a 75g... Is that about the... extensions... of it?
  4. sunburnt

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    The pavonina is the one I listed above that's also called the whitespotted/black eared. Are you about ready to pull your hair out? LOL! I know I was when I was going through them. I guess the divers/collectors just can't take the time to research everything they collect to get the scientific...
  5. sunburnt

    Snow Flake Where R U

    If it's only been a few days, I wouldn't start worrying yet. Are you feeding him every day?My kidako is out as soon as it gets dark, but is even more active when he hasn't been fed for a few days and is looking for food. If you're taking the food to his doorstep, why should he come out? I would...
  6. sunburnt

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    - Andy! I TOTALLY understand WHY, but you're going a long way to prove your point, especially after calling the Jewels UGLY! The only eels I've ever thought were UGLY were the ones that have the nostrils pointing down into their mouths. I think they were "snake" varieties, but I'm not sure...
  7. sunburnt

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    In the interest of having a quasi-scientific, factual discussion about this, I implore everyone who has M. lentiginosa, M. pinta, Mexican Dragon eel, Brazilian Dragon eel, Jewel eel, Black eared eel... (Lemme think, I know there were more names bantered about when I researched these...!) ...
  8. sunburnt

    Monster Morays!!!!!!!!!!!

    They're very nice looking. I can't wait for my babies to grow up big and strong! :cheer: ((( SIDEBAR! AW2- If you wouldn't mind, could you email me at GoSpeedGrrrl AT - I'd like to talk about the Jewel/Dragon topic, but I do NOT want to start arguements!
  9. sunburnt

    Monster Morays!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heh. It was the "MONSTER" part that was in question. And, yes, he's a juvi G. kidako. I know there are more eel people out there. Why so stingy with the pics? Brag away!
  10. sunburnt

    Avoiding cycle w semi-cured LR?

    In a 215g with an Ecosystems sump/fuge and a Trigger Systems skimmer, could I add about 15 lbs of LR that was overnighted (damp in the box for about 24 hours total) without having a significant spike? My Q has sprung a leak. :mad:
  11. sunburnt

    New Hawaiian Black Trigger Pics

    That's one gorgeous fish! I didn't think they were that pretty. Thanks for sharing!
  12. sunburnt

    215g stocking advice

    Unleashed- Thanks for the info. At $30 a pop, I really don't want to add monetary stress on top of mental stress if I spring for 5 and they just die on me! I know there's no way to reliably predict an eel's adult personality... I just can't see this kidako as getting super-aggressive. My poor...
  13. sunburnt

    Monster Morays!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mine is a BABY monster. Does he count? HE certainly thinks he does! He tries to be very scary, but mommy just thinks he's adorable!
  14. sunburnt

    WTB: Chitons and other unusual mollusks

    I know of a seller that has awesome prices and sells chittons, limpets, squirts (when he has them)... but do you want to pay shipping from the Keys? If you want the addy, you can email me at GoSpeedGrrrl AT
  15. sunburnt

    215g stocking advice

    Boal - Anthias are very bright and pretty, but I've read that they're difficult to maintain. Any comments from anyone who's had/ has them? I was willing to chance it with the hippos, so I suppose I can chance it with them, also. :thinking:
  16. sunburnt

    215g stocking advice

    Ooooh! Thanks, Surfin! I forgot to list any angels! LOL! Good idea - Must go look! Boal- I said I decided NOT to get a ray - I think they deserve more swimming room than I'd be able to give them with the eels. And YUP on the hippos. I hear ya. Too big. I'm trying so hard to do something that...
  17. sunburnt

    215g stocking advice

    I don't take it lightly when anything dies in my care, even a damsel, so the Achilles is off the table. And - I thought Hippos DID school!?! I had the powder blue tangs on the list (and Niger triggers and a few others) , but took them off due to their enormous adult size! I know a pork would...
  18. sunburnt

    215g stocking advice

    My 215g has been running for a month now with only a 12-14" G. kidako. I've restrained myself from ordering anything else until I have a concrete list of what I want that's also available and compatible. The kidako is VERY active at night, and I will be adding one other eel, but I would like...
  19. sunburnt

    If money was no object

    :thinking: How big of a tank would I have to have to keep Vin Diesel? :thinking: Kidding! :hilarious I'd love to have a basement room with a circular tank of about a thousand gallons or so and keep a Tessa moray and whatever fish it couldn't eat. I think they're the most amazing, awesome...
  20. sunburnt

    Eywwwwww What is it???

    I think you have the same thing I do. There are holes in the LR, and sometimes short crusty tubes, and 5 or so "arms" come out, and wiggle around, right? I think they're some sort of worm, but when I tried to research I came up empty. I like mine, though! :-)