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  1. sailfin

    Free RBTA!!!!

    Originally posted by ViPeR_930 How big is it? If you are referring to the mushrooms they are about 2-3 inches. The rock they are on is odd shaped but somewhat round and varies between 4-6 inches. The anemone is not opening up like it should. It tried to give it some krill but with no...
  2. sailfin

    Coral w/LR ?

    I know that we need to cure LR. What about the LR that the corals come on? The mushrooms that I got this weekend had a strong smell similar to the uncured rock smell. The lfs just got these guys in a day prior to me getting them. What is everyone's opinion here about that?.?.? :notsure:
  3. sailfin

    Free RBTA!!!!

    I just discovered that the 6 mushrooms I got for $25.00 are the ones this site refers to as fuzzy grass mushrooms!! My lfs had them tagged as hairy mushrooms. I am still new, but I think that the hairy and fuzzy grass are different.?.? My free RBTA has moved behind a rock and I can't get a...
  4. sailfin

    Truly a sad day at the LFS

    Can a moderator please do something about MagicCarp's cursing and wishing people would die? I do not wish to read such stuff on these "typically" nice boards. Everybody has their opinions. Sounds like zacfinchum is trying to ruffle a few feathers. Just ignore it and it will go away. :yes:
  5. sailfin

    Free RBTA!!!!

    Originally posted by Beth What type lighting do you have? Fishtails - I have not been there. Where are they located?? Beth - I have 2 x 175w metal halide 10K and 2 x 96w PC. I am more worried about my water quality than my lighting.
  6. sailfin

    Free RBTA!!!!

    Michael's Aquatic Den up here in Cleveland. Have you been there before? He set up last year, August, I think? He has experience, but does some things that he shouldn't. Right now he has a Powder Blue in with a Clown Trigger and Lions. I wish my tank could sustain the PB and I would buy him...
  7. sailfin

    Free RBTA!!!!

    I went to my LFS today and bought some hairy mushrooms. We noticed that there was a rose bubble tip anemone attached to the LR. He couldn't get it off w/o hurting it so he gave it to me. I hope it does O.K. I'll post a pic later once it gets acclimated. I will leave the lights off for a...
  8. sailfin

    My 55g Tank (with pictures)

    :eek: Nice!!!:jumping:
  9. sailfin

    Another anemone question

    I have seen sebea's host all kinds of clownfish, but you know the hosting thing is not guarunteed. If the clownfish is aquacultered chances are even less. I hope this helps. :)
  10. sailfin


    Originally posted by lilredcmc thats awfully BIG for plankton. Or a really good camera, lol....
  11. sailfin

    New 75g in-wall Reef

    My nitrites have gone to zero along with all other readings. I'll post more pics soon. I will be getting a clean up crew this weekend to stop the diatom bloom I am starting to get. Keep a reefin' :happyfish alison, TimG you've got mail!! :yes:
  12. sailfin

    High Nitrite + Nitrate ?

    I'll probably get flamed for this, but I feel that you'll be fine as long as you acclimate properly (drip method). I would not suggest adding any fish right now until the nitrites come down since it would only add to the problem.
  13. sailfin

    High Nitrite + Nitrate ?

    Nitites should be zero, although .10 ppm is not that high. Nitrates seem to be a little high but not life threatening. I've seen mine hover around the 20 ppm for weeks and then drop after I change the filter pads and do water changes as well. :D
  14. sailfin

    Buying live rock from

    Cure it in the tank. It will help you cycle. I just done my 75g that way and I have completed the cycle, almost, in three weeks. My nitrites are still at .25ppm. You will have to vacuum a little once done but it is much easier, IMO. :D
  15. sailfin

    QT Tank - What to put in it when its sitting around?

    Been doing it this way w/o any losses. I only QT for about a week unless the fish looks stressed. Maybe it doesn't have time to cycle enough to hurt the fish? Thanks for the advise.
  16. sailfin

    QT Tank - What to put in it when its sitting around?

    I leave mine completely dry until I need it. Put water from my display in my QT. This serves a dual purpose, a water change in the display and ensure that the display's and QT's parameters are identical. I use PVC pipe for their habitat. Other than that there's nothing to it.
  17. sailfin

    54 gal Corner Tank/Stand For Sale

    I am as far south in TN as you can get in Cleveland, Bradley Co.. If still want it let me know, but the price stands at $250.00.
  18. sailfin

    Is this lighting ok for a std 55 gal?

    Originally posted by wocka thats not true. not every reef tank and person has 500-1000 to get metal halides. i think there a ripoff It does depend on the size of the tank. Sorry for not mentioning that. BTW, they are not a ripoff. If you had them and then compared them to the PC lights you...
  19. sailfin

    Is this lighting ok for a std 55 gal?

    That would not be enough lighting over a 55g tank for corals. 130W/55g = 2.36 W/gal. Coralife makes a new one that has moon lights and a lot more wattage. Check into that one instead. If you're going to try all corals you will have to get metal halides. I hope I helped some. :D
  20. sailfin

    Best Reef Salt?

    Originally posted by calvindo plus their salt container is great to use for top offs :D That's a good idea. Thanks. :yes: