Search results

  1. sailfin

    Hitchhiker ID

    You're very welcome.
  2. sailfin

    54 gal Corner Tank/Stand For Sale

    Originally posted by TenseMan Hey is this still for sale? If so whats the bottom dollar or is this it? Hey I live in Cleveland also down on Harrison Pike. Where do you work at in Cleveland as a Mech. Engineer? Where did you get your Mech Engineer degree from? Did you get it here or Chattanooga...
  3. sailfin

    Just started Cycle , questions..............

    I would run the heater. Actually the heater should have been on and the water up to temp before the LR went in. The lights could cause an algae bloom and are not needed unless you just want to be able to see in the tank. Don't run your filtaration unless you want to clean sand out of it. I...
  4. sailfin

    Hitchhiker ID

    I think they are barnacles or something of that nature. You can by roock in most LFS stores around here that look just like those things. :D
  5. sailfin

    MH question

    I have heard a minimum of 8 inches. I have mine at 12 inches. If you get to close you will have salt creep on the reflectors. BTW, you might not have to have a chiller. Hook up some fans, one blowing in and the other blowing out. Those fans should keep it cool enough. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  6. sailfin

    Look Down Aquariums

    Originally posted by RobChuck Another good type of aquarium for clams is an acrylic tank with it's front pane sloped 45 degrees. These come in much larger sizes (another LFS near me has one that it displays corals in that I'd estimate is somewhere in the 75 gallon range) and looking through...
  7. sailfin

    Look Down Aquariums

    Has anyone see the zeroedge look down aquariums? Who makes those? I am looking for a good aquarium for clams. Are there any out there? Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  8. sailfin

    What Could eat Starfish Arms??

    Thanks for the replies. If I can find out where it is hiding I'll offer it a piece of krill.
  9. sailfin

    Scary ***** Story!!!

    You like used the word "like" like 12 times in your post. That's like got to be a record or something.
  10. sailfin

    What Could eat Starfish Arms??

    O.K. here is the deal. Most of you know that I have just recently set-up a 75g in-wall in my basement. water parameters are fine so I am not going to post those. I use RO/DI water for those of you who would ask that. Now to the issue at hand. I saw my serpent star for the first time in...
  11. sailfin

    Cleaner shrimp BIRTH

    I do not know?? :notsure:
  12. sailfin

    Cleaner shrimp BIRTH

    Originally posted by wocka thats odd... how he could of gotten pregnant. First of all "he" couldn't have gotten pregnant.
  13. sailfin

    Omg My Cleaner Shrimp Shed Itself!

    I believe that the molts add calcium back to the system. Just leave it in. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  14. sailfin

    Pink Tail Trigger ?

    Does anybody have a pink tailed trigger? I would like to know the temperment of these fish.
  15. sailfin

    Little Critter Help

    That's good to hear, Nas. I have almost come to the conclusion that they are harmless. I am planning of getting a six line wrasse soon anyway. Maybe it will be some natural food for him. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  16. sailfin

    Little Critter Help

    Originally posted by Tizzo Been through 13 pages on the search engine... and this was the only one I could find with the antennae. HTH (maybe??) :sleepy: Thanks for the search, but I have done that as well and couldn't find a pic...
  17. sailfin

    Water changes

    Please listen to the majority and do not use tap water. With that said, I agree with SammyG. 1. Put the water in a bucket. 2. Turn on a powerhead. 3. Slowly pour in the salt. 4. Let the salt mix for an hour or so. 5. Drop in a heater. 6. New water is ready when salinity (specific gravity)...
  18. sailfin

    Bird Wrasse Eat Shrimp?

    Up we go ^^^^^^^^^^^
  19. sailfin

    Bird Wrasse Eat Shrimp?

    Anybody out there???
  20. sailfin

    Bird Wrasse Eat Shrimp?

    Do you think that a green bird wrasse would eat a cleaner shrimp? The shrimp is quite large, approximately 2.5" to 3"??? :notsure: