Search results

  1. bret61081

    Anyone Live in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami?

    The barrier reef is a great store...but another great store here in Fort Lauderdale is Exotic Aquotic. He is on Oakland Park Blvd about a mile east of 95 on the North side of the road. I have been searching and searching for a white ghost eel and no one has been able to get it in...and when I...
  2. bret61081

    Trying to feed my new Ghost Eel.

    I know this is an old post, but I recently got a ghost eel from my LFS. I have only had him a few days and have been keeping several ghost shrimp in there for him...but I think more are getting sucked up in the powerheads then are getting to him. I was curious if you ended up getting it to eat...
  3. bret61081

    WTB white Ghost Eel

    whats your email address? here
  4. bret61081

    WTB white Ghost Eel

    Hi, I live in South Florida and I have been looking for a White Ghost Moray eel for several months with NO luck. I have tried several different stores and wholesalers in the area and none have been able to get one in. I was wondering if anyone else has seen them in stores or knows a time of...
  5. bret61081

    Moving: LR for sale

    is it sold yet? Ft laud here and interested...
  6. bret61081

    help eel wont eat

    Everything thing I have ever read on ribbons say not to buy them b/c less then 5% ever live over 3 months in an aquarium, but I have read that people have had success by feeding them black mollies over guppys. its worth a try and good luck!
  7. bret61081

    Cycling tank

    Hello everyone! 3 weeks ago I started cycling a 55G tank with 75 pounds of live sand and 5 red mangroove sprots. to cycle the tank I bought 3 chromis, and in the first week 2 of them died, but according to my Seachem Ammonia alert, the ammonia never went past alarm(4 stages, safe ,alert...
  8. bret61081

    Picture of my 6 gal. nano

    Hello, I was curious what Lights you put in the Eclipse 6? I used 2 13W combo bulbs. They seem to work fine but I a little worried to try corals in it just yet. Also you said you leave your water level low for water movement, I use a small power head, Rio 50, it circulates 40-60 GPH and it...