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  1. bret61081

    Selling Macro with GSP or Orange shrooms

    did you just have one portion...if not let me know...I'll take some too!
  2. bret61081


    I got up from a nap after work...and one of my rocks shifted and looks like it ripped the base of my there anything Ican do? I can tell something happened to it b/c its like 1/3 of the size it was when I first gome home from work...when I moved one of the rocks I could see where it was...
  3. bret61081

    University of Central Florida

    Hey...I moved down here 6 years ago from Upsate NY for the weather....Disney has a college program...doesn't pay anything...but u can get some college can do it for a semester...see if you like the area and then decide to stay if you like. As for UCF...I personally think its one...
  4. bret61081

    Gold Maroon will not eat!!!!!!! Help!!!!!

    when I was given a 3" GSM clown, she would eat for like a week. FInally someone told me they like live brine...when I mixed the brine with flakes and starting eating everything I put live brine is worth a try!
  5. bret61081

    How to get freeze dried krill to sink?

    I soak it in a little tank water with some Zoe and Crushed Garlic for like 10 min...and if its still floating, I use my stick and poke it till all the air is out and it goes right down! the fish love it too....
  6. bret61081

    Everything MUST go

    If you decide to split it up...I'll take the fish and the zoos! let me know....
  7. bret61081

    Lighting question...

    I was thinking a Blue Throat b/c they are ment to be the most reef safe...and they are beautiful! Get a small eel like mine! its so pretty....looks just like a ribbon eel, but they eat! I had my LFS here in Ft Laud special order it for me right before last months Aquarium Fish came out with...
  8. bret61081

    Lighting question...

    Right now the only corals I have are a few zoos, GSP which I am nursing back to health b/c it was covered with mushrooms and a torch coral(which I am thining of trading in for something else) those are the extent of my corals...and the only ones that are my favorites are the zoos which do not...
  9. bret61081

    Lighting question...

    I currently have a 55G with 260w of PC lighting. I am wanting to upgrade to either the 95 wave tank which is 48" or the 120 48" tank. My question is can I use my current light towards the back or middle of tank where I would plan on keeping the majority of my live rock and BT anenome? Would...
  10. bret61081

    psychedelic mandarin goby

    Mine loves the live brine mixed with food...I mix it in a little cup, suck it all up in a turkey baster and shot it on the rock he is on and he goes crazy eating!
  11. bret61081

    Tank For Sale

    if you want to sell just the lights...let me know! I'll take'em here in Ft Laud!
  12. bret61081

    Can I use beach sand?

    How much do you need? There is a LFS that sells the live sand for 17$ for 20 sand is better anywayz...
  13. bret61081

    Blue Carpet Anemone for Free...Miami Area

    Ft Laud here...I'll come get it anytime this weekend! Fri sat or Sunday...Let me know...I have a 55G now but getting a 150G next month....
  14. bret61081

    sleeper gold head goby will not come out

    thats so wierd! I just got one and he NEVER hides! he is always out in the open taking big mouths of sand....and eating all the corline off my rocks(GRRRR)...but yes he is very pretty and fun to watch...
  15. bret61081

    Looking to purchase plants for refuge

    Try Rob at Exotic Aquatic on E Oakland Pk blvd too...I've gotten it from him b4...grows really well!
  16. bret61081

    questions before I start using a hospital Tank...

    Originally Posted by Beth I agree, when I broke down my tank recently, I keep all my fish and corals in a 30 gal rubbermaid for a week! No causalities! so if I take down my 29G freshwater..clean it and buy new soon can I put the fish in it?? what water/filter were you...
  17. bret61081

    questions before I start using a hospital Tank...

    ok...its mostly a FOWLR but I do have a green star polyp and a torch a bubble tip and condy anenome. I have a 29G freshwater I can put those in the 12, but I will have to cycle the tank first, correct?? I buy water premixed from my LFS so that shouldnt be a problem, with some...
  18. bret61081

    questions before I start using a hospital Tank...

    Ok...I have a 55G that has been set up since Jan of this year. I got a 12G eclipse tank that I had been planning on using as a hospital tank. about a month ago, I purchased a yellow tang who within the first few days showed signs of Ich. I read that it was normal and it will usually go away...
  19. bret61081

    I wanna see some LIONFISH !

    I got one too...I LOVE HIM! I had my LFS do a special order for me...and when people saw it, they wanted he has ordered about 4 more since! they are awesome...I paid a little more for mine 35$ but he is well worth it! the species name is Uropterygius concolor if you wanted to try and...
  20. bret61081

    I wanna see some LIONFISH !

    He is so cute!!