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  1. goober_hunter

    Dumbest school rule ever.

    i got suspended from school for hugging my girlfriend. when my dad found out about being suspened for such a stupid rule, he flipped out at the school. never seen my dad yell at a before.. kind of cool. anyways stay out of trouble.
  2. goober_hunter

    discovery cove in orlando.

    yeah, thanks everyone for your thoughts. i sure is going to be excited about it. ill post pics......
  3. goober_hunter

    Green Chromis Addition

    i first bought 3. all three lived for the first couple months, untill i smashed one with some live rock, now i have 2. i have had them for over a year now. they get along great with each other and everyonther fish.
  4. goober_hunter

    Its A Sad Day In The Frozen Tundra...

    ^^^^^^^ GO BUCS......... first sad to see him go, great QB.. everyone knew it was coming soon.
  5. goober_hunter

    discovery cove in orlando.

    yeah my wife is a dolphin freak. we were out at boca grande and a pod of dolphins were aroud the boat. she was like a little girl on christmas morning. i loved watching her like that, so thought this would be a great gift for her..
  6. goober_hunter

    discovery cove in orlando.

    my wife is graduating from college soon and i was thinking of taking her to dicovery cove. has any one been there??? how was your experiance??? just wanting to know other people's experiances.... thanks
  7. goober_hunter

    What is this???

    yes, be carfull not to pop it, how long has your tank been set up?? very common to have it. hard to keep it in control. if you let it grow too big it will pop on its own. some people say emarld crabs will eat bubble algea, but i have 3 emarlds and they dont eat my bubble algea. what i do is...
  8. goober_hunter

    Check out my new goodie!

    love the clam, i have been looking for a clam, wish i could find one like that and not all blue. good luck
  9. goober_hunter

    What is this???

    bubble algae.........
  10. goober_hunter

    Best Gun in COD 4??

    primary - m4 carbine, red dot, blue tiger. secondary- doesnt matter. perk 1 - claymore perk 2- stopping power perk 3- uv jammer--- i like it when they dont know were iam at. xbox or playstation???????????
  11. goober_hunter

    Unusual prank

    wow that was awesome. very cool.. good find.
  12. goober_hunter

    Polychaete Worms (aka Bristle Worm/ Fire Worm)

    i caught a really huge one of these worms i know they are good for your tank. put lets say i have a lot of big ones, should i get rid of some, or should i keep them???????
  13. goober_hunter

    If you had to choose....

    iam a florida boy, so i love the heat.. today the high was 56 degrees. it was COLD. i know, i know, ya'll people up north are laughing at me with my 56 degree weather, but i like sweating better then shivering..
  14. goober_hunter

    Is this Toadstool dying or dead?

    yeah yours is not looking to good. have you moved it around in your tank??? maybe more flow or less.......
  15. goober_hunter

    Is this Toadstool dying or dead?

    i had a toadstool stay closed for a little longer then a month. hes doing fine. good luck
  16. goober_hunter

    stary blennie

    has anyone heard of this fish, saw one at LFS, very cool looking, i was told that it changes color. i was woundering if anyboby has had any experience with this fish and if you could share with me.. thanks
  17. goober_hunter

    Lights out in So Florida

    not yet. iam pretty sure in about a hour or two ill be getting hit hard. its been a beautiful day so far........ hope i dont lose power again.
  18. goober_hunter

    Lights out in So Florida

    well i just got power back. iam far away from miami thought. to everyone else.. good luck
  19. goober_hunter

    Help me find this coral please...

    very soft. they are only 1/4 inch tall.
  20. goober_hunter

    Help me find this coral please...

    yeah, mine have grown extremly fast. every peice of live rock in my tank has them. glad you found them, hope you enjoy them as much as i do..